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Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

Deal Cadet

Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

I think this is because of lack of knowledge of our constitution.

And also, In slums, Many times case of rape happens but they resolve it internally and they don’t approach police.
And that’s how criminals think that there’s no strict action against such crimes and they’ll escape somehow.
This ideology allow them to touch someone outsider(not from slum), they think they’ll rape someone and she’ll go silently and it’ll be over. This is what they might be thinking, otherwise There’s no way someone could do it.

That’s how I see it, and hence I think this can’t be solved by just making strict laws. There should be awareness about laws too.

If it’s happening there, it can happen anywhere. Not good.😔

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When earth didn’t ended in 2012 ….people took the matter in their own hands …..

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I hope Delhi case criminals are to be hanged soon.

So Govt. Should do this in public, news should advertise this, show it on live tv, in every news paper. And spread visuals of this in every corner of india. Those people should be scared, very scared.

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Because non of us reacted, when Jessica Lal killer got freed on the ground of good behaviour.
@iamybs bhai you said nothing for Jessica.
See, how our penal system punishes the poor and reward the rich.

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