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Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

Deal Cadet

Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

I think this is because of lack of knowledge of our constitution.

And also, In slums, Many times case of rape happens but they resolve it internally and they don’t approach police.
And that’s how criminals think that there’s no strict action against such crimes and they’ll escape somehow.
This ideology allow them to touch someone outsider(not from slum), they think they’ll rape someone and she’ll go silently and it’ll be over. This is what they might be thinking, otherwise There’s no way someone could do it.

That’s how I see it, and hence I think this can’t be solved by just making strict laws. There should be awareness about laws too.

If it’s happening there, it can happen anywhere. Not good.😔

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When earth didn’t ended in 2012 ….people took the matter in their own hands …..

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I hope Delhi case criminals are to be hanged soon.

So Govt. Should do this in public, news should advertise this, show it on live tv, in every news paper. And spread visuals of this in every corner of india. Those people should be scared, very scared.

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When earth didn’t ended in 2012 ….people took the matter in their own hands …..

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Deal Major Deal Major
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Rapists need to be lynched: Jaya Bachchan on vet’s rape-murder

Rajya Sabha lawmaker Jaya Bachchan on Monday said that the accused in rape and murder of veterinary doctor should be brought in public and lynched.

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Entertainer Entertainer
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Even thinking about this gives me major anxiety everytime.
I don’t know how can someone be so inhuman.
Or i should rather say they are being more human.
Humanity is now a negative term.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

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Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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It’s not the lack of punishment or law. It’s implementation which is where we lack. Most cases are not reported while those of reported cases half are false.
A rape case takes 10 20 years to just get ready for trial levee aside the verdict. How come we are supposed to fear then?
The social stigma of rape victims. Where we isolate them like they are the culprit.
And most of all. Rape definition for us. Muslim does rape on hindu. Lower caste person does to upper class and vice versa. These are the rapes while others are non existent for us. It doesn’t matter
And ratio of male to female

Critic Critic
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Mind telling me which brand of complan/horlicks/bournvita you are drinking to get hold of lakhs of criminal cases data & analyse them so thoroughly to reach this conclusion.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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A strong judiciary and laws are required in India as gulf countries. And not only the laws are reason for this kind of issues but also lack proper sex education. In India morality play a huge role and for almost not giving value to a women’s life. When interviewed Delhi nirbhaya accused rapists they said they don’t feel any guilty because “A decent girl won’t roam around at nine o’clock at night. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy”. They did all this things and still blaming her..actually this is our system,culture all made of some things called morality. Every person have equal importance either a girl or boy. First there must be some change in unwritten rules based on culture and morality. Adding a interview part told by nirbhaya accused person to bbc..
“Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes. About 20% of girls are good.”
People “had a right to teach them a lesson” he suggested – and he said the woman should have put up with it.
“When being raped, she shouldn’t fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they’d have dropped her off after ‘doing her’, and only hit the boy,” he said
Chillingly, he went on: “The death penalty will make things even more dangerous for girls. Now when they rape, they won’t leave the girl like we did. They will kill her. Before, they would rape and say, ‘Leave her, she won’t tell anyone.’ Now when they rape, especially the criminal types, they will just kill the girl. Death.”

Critic Critic
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What you mean by why it happened? Obviously it happened because few human beings, or I should say, humanely shaped beings, are still animals. They did ride the evolution tree but they remained a savage all along. Yesterday I saw a few psychiatrists, professors etc. were trying to assess the WHY for this case. They do this every time a case like this occurs. Like what motivates these savages to rape someone, torture someone and in this case burn someone. I was laughing inside. I mean come on, grow the F up. There is no WHY. They do it just because! They do it because they are animals! They should be treated in the same way.

Just stop trying to find the WHY, because there’s none. It’s baffling when people try to complicate simple things.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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You’re right, but only why can lead us to solution.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Such people should be hanged in public. Its becoming a horrible daily issue everywhere and even kids are not spared. so one solution I can see to is to make prostitution legal

Critic Critic
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Prostitution is already legal,only “organized prostitution/related activities in public places” is illegal in India.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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No civilised (liberal) country has capital punishment as a deterrent for rape crime. I too have the same rage as many folks here do. But, the reason why many in India still think it’s okay to rape is not because the punishment is not harsh but, because we as a society failed in bringing teachings of compassion and morality into the minds of a large faction of society who somehow were left behind during all these years of evolution. I am in no way sympathising with the criminals, they do deserve some harsh punishment. But, If we want our society to get rid of such heinous crimes from happening again, we should work towards educating people living in every nook and corner of society about what’s moral and what’s not. Patriarchy and lack of education coupled with high income disparity among those working in cities with daily wages forces them to waste their hard earned money into alcohol and drugs which ultimately lead to such social evils. Like swachh Bharat, a new movement/campaign should be started by the govt with the help of social workers and NGOs to bring awareness about gender equality, teachings of ethics and morality, rights and duties, and to provide financial help to those dealing with such issues in every walk of life. Until and unless we work towards bringing awareness about the subjects into the minds of people specially the younger generation, we’ll keep seeing these evils happening time and again ‘cause human derengement has no limits. worried

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It’s been years but was not able to forget these lines from Nirbhaya case study

Then the main accused Ram Singh after raping her inserted the rod in her vagina and pulled her intestine with his own hands which led to serious injury. Ram Singh was the most barbaric among all the accused. A medical report later said that she suffered serious injuries to her abdomen, intestines and genitals due to the assault, and doctors said that the damage indicated that a blunt object (suspected to be the iron rod) may have been used for penetration..

Acid should be sprinkled on their d**ks drop by drop until they understand what pain is

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Where people are not held accountable for their actions, they can get away with anything.
Govt. employees…
Other institutions…
Common men…
Common women… 
All Criminals….
Everyone else…

Such a country will never improve even in a million years…

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I really don’t understand, why such criminals should kept alive? When it’s proved that the crime is committed by perticular person, then there is no point of keeping him alive. And as per my point of view this criminals should be burnt alive to death but this should be done partially so that they will realise the pain (pain of the girl, how girl must have felt when they where doing this crime against her wish) and this criminals should be burnt partially in front of everyone so that there will be fear amongst other criminals.
I don’t know why government is till kept Delhi criminals alive till now, if government thinks that this crimals should not be killed then bring the girl back to life with dignity and respect.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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As per today’s law and order, am dam sure this criminals will consider them self in secure hand. What government is trying to prove I don’t know, when Delhi incident happened it was a big news but till the crimals are kept alive. Even faces of crimals are covered with clothes. Tomorrow if any person from this group ran away from there jail then how we can identify that person? government is not killing this criminals nor handling them to public.
What government is doing? What they want to prove? A big question.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Some cases are false, many are not. But nothing can justify this much time.
No party need this much time to get evidences and prove it.
There should be a fast track high & supreme court just for matters like this, until these cases(true/fake both including) are reduced to significant percentage for enough amount of time. Or make it permanent. So, In this way both kind, victims & falsely accused, will get justice.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Lack of funds for patrolling is also an matter for police.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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It starts from one’s home … when you discriminate between a girl child and a boy child.
If my son does anything wrong as he is a “mera Rajja beta/ mera ladla beta”, he can escape. When he molests a girl, its the girl who is blamed.. "mera beta aisa kar hi nahi sakta , us churail ne zaroor usko phasaya hai ", etc. etc.
This goes on and on… and you transform a kid into a monster.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Bhai, I have some morbid obsession regarding deaths and crimes. I have studied a lot of psychopaths’ lives, upbringing. Most of them were tortured, abused, molested as a kid. But there are some other cases, where people turn into monsters after a while. It is a mysterious property of human consciousness.
There are some barriers present in our psychology. You break em you can become anything. We are animals. We have animal instincts. Almost all of us love blood, sex and violence. It is true, some of us don’t know yet. The sooner we acknowledge these inner demons, the better our society will be at tackling these situation.
But yes, either the malevolent seed is sown by family members/ trusted person at an early childhood/ some incidents or it is purely congenital.
And it is a thing to worry about.

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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You should start asking another more relevant question. Why don’t other victims get the same public treatment as Jyoti n Priyanka get? Do you hear anything about the other woman, who was found in same condition as Priyanka, a few distance away from the place, where Priyanka’s remains were found? Nobody asks for death penalty for culprits? I don’t even know her name. The question is, why do we ignore others?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I agree there’re many many similar cases, but these cases got national media attention because these happened in metro cities. And that causes questions on people’s mind that if metro cities aren’t safe then what about other areas?

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Critic Critic
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Some people can trade thier lives with 2 mins of fun, that’s the main problem, no humanity lessons for such parasites, the only solution I could think of right now is hang this bastards and telecast it live, so a message can be conveyed to all such rats around, which will send chills down their spines…

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Critic Critic
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@bikidas2060580 very good post bro. All this “hang them on streets” is useless without a perfect investigation & judicial system. Even in Islamic countries nobody chop off the limbs of rich oil sheikhs despite them being accused of such crimes. In China too,nobody gets death penalty if they are a high ranking communist party official/their relatives unless it catches the attention of their supreme leader Xi Jinping.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Don’t compare these barbarian people to animals. Animals have certain seasons for breeding and they don’t do like these people. It’s shame on human civilization.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Animals do them widely. 🙂

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good NEWS.

Big Breaking : All four men Accused in Hyderabad Doctor Rape & Murder case are shot dead in encounter.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Encounter Specialist CP Sajjanar. First Warangal acid attack and now disha case. Take a bow. Bold move. Bold Officer. You need guts.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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It’s fishy bro.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Encounter Specialist CP Sajjanar. First Warangal acid attack and now disha case. Take a bow. Bold move. Bold Officer. You need guts.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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And why do people think that it’s 100% fake encounter?

According to news reports, they tried to snatch gun from police & they couldn’t do it hence tried to ran away.

Do you really think these people can’t dare to do this?
People who raped & burned a lady alive. Really?
They were feared & tortured. Hence they dared to do such thing, but they didn’t know they were dealing with encounter specialist.
Police could’ve ran after to catch alive, culprits might’ve got away & again caught by police in 24-48 hours. But an encounter specialist doesn’t think like that.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Newspaper? Are you kidding me? They said Dr Reddy was burnt alive, which was fabricated. Dr Reddy was suffocated and killed and her body was burnt. That’s the truth. 90% chances are that it’s a fake encounter.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Some people are too liberal about criminals. 😄

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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4 people were shot dead at same place they killed disha

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It was because they tried to k escape not because police wanted … Its great anyways 😎

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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ok_hand🏻 ok_hand🏻
Deal Major Deal Major
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Moreover govt said they tried to escape. Did they really have such a weak protection for a big case or it was all a political stunt by govt to save their a&&es from public anger?

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