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Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

Deal Cadet

Why do you think case like Priyanka Reddy happen?

I think this is because of lack of knowledge of our constitution.

And also, In slums, Many times case of rape happens but they resolve it internally and they don’t approach police.
And that’s how criminals think that there’s no strict action against such crimes and they’ll escape somehow.
This ideology allow them to touch someone outsider(not from slum), they think they’ll rape someone and she’ll go silently and it’ll be over. This is what they might be thinking, otherwise There’s no way someone could do it.

That’s how I see it, and hence I think this can’t be solved by just making strict laws. There should be awareness about laws too.

If it’s happening there, it can happen anywhere. Not good.😔

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When earth didn’t ended in 2012 ….people took the matter in their own hands …..

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Its true, that there is no strict punishment for such heinous crimes, i have always wished that certain punishments be taken from muslim countries, and crimes like rape fall in that category, such criminals should have their limbs chopped off and then should be left to die without medical aid
Note -degrees of crime matter, if its too severe then such punishments sound relevant

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I hope Delhi case criminals are to be hanged soon.

So Govt. Should do this in public, news should advertise this, show it on live tv, in every news paper. And spread visuals of this in every corner of india. Those people should be scared, very scared.

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Cool Cool
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It’s okay if you don’t appreciate encounter. But don’t give Gyaan about how court is there to give justice, blah blah blah…
People who are giving this court gyaan have never visited court for their personal & family matters, so stop this court justice court justice bullshit. 🙏🏻 Ask those families who are dealing with court cases.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Justice delayed is justice denied.
And if you think that delhi case is not delayed even after 7 years, then you’re biggest idiot.

Critic Critic
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Exactly. This encounter should not be adopted as a default but is good for some shocking cases like these,carrot & stick policy.

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Blogger Blogger
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We know entire country is shocked on this crime, More than the rape anger is bcoz the way they did it and burned the body. rarest of rare crime category.
Also people asking for their lynching / murder / daylight encounter are not man-eaters, they are saying this because they feel the pain of the victim and the family, also they know the slow justice system in India and no fear among such psychos.

On this particular case we may be happy with encounter but logic says can we adopt it for all such cases? What if other states police start doing the same?

Everyone has a right for fair trial as per constitution and after that we call them convicted criminal, by then they are just accused in eye of law.
Encounter is not the wrong thing but there are situations where it is allowed/needed. You cant just finish the case with single encounter and file close.
Here we are 99% sure about their involvement but that 1% is the margin reserved because they were encountered as accused not as convicted criminals/rapists. trial was yet to start.

Maybe this was open and shut case but not all cases. if you know 70% cases are false in such sections and i am just referring those. what if they follow same way to deal with all such cases? to punish 30% criminals can we also encounter those 70% innocents? That’s why we have a trial process.

Even after 7 years Nirbhaya case is still not closed because of slow process.
In recent Unnao case those accused granted bail and what next – they set fire on the victim.

But Solution is speedy trial and strict punishment. We should demand that from our system, not the encounter. We need to follow law and get these Psychos punished by system.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Have you ever heard about a fake rape and murder case?

Fake cases are mostly about rape & harrassment.

They were 100% criminals & encounter should be done in all case like this. At least until there’s a fast & effective judiciary is operational.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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If its a govt sponsored stunt then, this stunt should be repeated for each case.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Father of the woman veterinarian on all 4 accused killed in police encounter: It has been 10 days to the day my daughter died. I express my gratitude towards the police & govt for this. My daughter’s soul must be at peace now.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Anupam Kher: Congratulations and #JaiHo to #TelenganaPolice for shooting down the four rapists of #PriyankaReddy in an “ENCOUNTER”. चलो! अब जितने भी लोगों ने ऐसा घिनोना अपराध करने वालों के ख़िलाफ़ आवाज़ उठाई थी और उनके लिए ख़तरनाक से ख़तरनाक सज़ा चाही थी, मेरे साथ ज़ोर से बोलो – #जयहो।👏👍

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Anupam Kher is bjp supporter I guess 😁😁

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Twitter: Don’t blame #hyderabadpolice , blame the incompetent judicial system of our country where cases related to heinous crimes are dragged for years. When judiciary loses respect of the people, they come out in streets hailing the #Encounter and applauding the police.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Twitter: No human rights for rapists and terrorists. Let’s become a country that doesn’t negotiate with beasts. Satyamev Jayate.


Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Saina Nehwal: Great work #hyderabadpolice ..we salute u 🙏

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Looks like 2 of them were underage (not sure).
If they were underage, then they would’ve been released in few years like it happened
in Delhi case.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Have you seen the cctv footage? Have you seen the testimony of the accused? Bhai chudaap kaa ek limit hota hai.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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To the point.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Akhand chutyapa. If she can’t produce proof then she is lying. There is a reason the statue of law has a blindfold tied over her eyes.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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That’s point_down what I’m saying too.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Vivek Oberoi: Same spot, same time frame, the predators became the prey! Now that’s true Poetic Justice! Maybe now all such monsters will finally feel fear and think a hundred times before even thinking of raping and murdering girls! #JusticeForDisha #TelanganaPolice #JusticeServed #Telangana

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Rohit Sardana: कल तक हंगामा था कि दिशा को रेप कर के जला देने वाले हैवान हैं, दरिंदे हैं. आज सवाल है कि पुलिस मानवाधिकार की हत्या कैसे कर सकती है? ज़िंदा थे तो दानव थे. मर गए तो मानव हो गए!

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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True bro.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Sonam Mahajan: Unnao victim believed in the legal system and what did she get? Like getting gang-raped wasn’t enough, she also had to get burnt alive by her rapists who were granted a bail by the same judiciary, she trusted.

FCUK the civilisation where a rapist has human rights under the law.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Don’t forget that police works for the law

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Kejriwal: हैदराबाद की घटना से लोगों में संतोष और ख़ुशी है। ये चिंता का विषय है कि देश की कानून व्यवस्था पर लोगों का विश्वास टूट चुका है। हम सब को मिलकर हमारी कानून व्यवस्था और जांच प्रणाली को मजबूत करना होगा ताकि लोग दोबारा इस व्यवस्था पर विश्वास करने लगे और हर पीड़ित को जल्द न्याय मिल पाए

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Sanju Baba khud jail gaya tha. Lnd filmy scene reality me banaya jaana chudaap hi hai. Jan hit me jaari 🤣🤣🤣

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Some questions for those who are against this encounter.
Why nirbhaya culprits are till kept alive?
Why such incidents don’t take place in Saudi Arabia or UAE?
And did culprits had any soft corner for that girl or before doing such crime do they think about girls future, respect?
Do you think it will be easy for girl to live in this society after such incidents happens with them if they are kept alive?
Why soft corners we should have for such culprits?

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Why do not you educate yourself a bit? Worse things happen in UAE n Arab. People are kept as sex slaves. And they are brutally tortured for years n years n years n Sheikhs get away with it. You don’t know about those cases because you don’t search for them. Ignorance is pure bliss brah. Wake up

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Today, 2012 is on repeat. I believe Unnao victim won’t get justice through court even by 2025. 😔 People are protesting but it won’t matter, no one is listening, some fake promises will be made. But nothing will change.😔
Modi was cursing UPA for not working on women safety & got votes on that & now same things happening & not a single action taken. 😔

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Rohit Sardana: निर्भया की माँ ने क़ानूनी प्रक्रिया का पालन किया. उन्नाव की लड़की ने क़ानूनी प्रक्रिया का पालन किया. क्या मिला? धक्के! मौत!! इसी लिए लोग मिठाई बाँट रहे हैं एनकाउंटर पर!

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Read somewhere

Justice delayed is justice denied, but
Justice hurried is justice buried. ..

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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All this happenings bcoz of nirbhaya case, the criminals are till kept alive. Very bitter truth of our judiciary system. It takes years and years to give justice to victims. By that time criminals commit some more crimes. In jail criminals are well protected by police they enjoy good meal like chicken and mutton (as per news), even the criminals are protected in such a way that victim or her family will not be allowed to slap that criminals.

There are no fear amongst criminals due to our judiciary system and if criminals are encountered there some people are talking nonsense about police. Investigation is done against police officers regarding encounter.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Right, encounter should be done with this kind of criminals, fake or real whatever.
I’m sure now Unnao criminal will be scared about encounter.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Some fekuchand said( before elections ) rapist r hanged in 3, 7 days.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Sanskari* log…No Surprises
Culture <> Clothes <> Judge

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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I was expecting much harsher punishment for that exBJP MLA convict. He got life imprisonment and 25 lakh fine.

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