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Happy Sunday! Let me ask you an interesting question today | Answer if you know

Finance Ninja

Happy Sunday! Let me ask you an interesting question today | Answer if you know:

Question is simple: "Why America is great ?" Or should I ask this "What makes America such a great country ?"

Oh, one thing to remember. My question is "Why is America great?" or "What makes America such a great country ?"

It's not India vs. America.

There are 200 countries in the world. Some countries are even better than America, with zero corruption, religious freedom, higher income, government is also helpful and more developed in some areas. But that doesn't make them great.

So think carefully and answer with a calm mind.

If you ask me this question, I can answer it in 3 to 4 words or write an entire book. But you all tell me. Let's see what you all think.

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Specialist Specialist
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Deal Colonel Deal Colonel
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### Two Main Reasons That Make America What It Is Today

*1. America Was Not Ruled by Other Countries*

Unlike many nations around the world, the United States was not subjected to prolonged colonial rule or domination by foreign powers. This lack of foreign occupation allowed the U.S. to develop its political, economic, and social systems independently. Key points include:

- *Early Independence*: The United States gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1776. The relatively early break from colonial status allowed the country to avoid the long-term impacts of foreign domination that many other nations faced. This independence enabled the U.S. to create its own constitution, laws, and government systems without external interference.

- *Stable Development* : The absence of foreign rulers meant that the U.S. could avoid the exploitation of resources and labor that was common in colonized countries. Instead, the country could invest in its own infrastructure, industry, and education systems, leading to sustained economic growth and stability.

*2. Participation in World War I and World War II*

America's strategic involvement in World War I and World War II played a crucial role in shaping its current status as a global superpower. Key points include:

- *Late Entry in World War I*: The United States entered World War I in 1917, just a year before the war ended. This late entry meant that the U.S. faced fewer casualties and less economic strain compared to European nations that had been fighting since 1914. The financial and industrial support the U.S. provided to the Allies helped them win the war while boosting the American economy through wartime production.

- *Economic Boom*: During both World Wars, the U.S. emerged as the primary supplier of arms, equipment, and financial aid to Allied nations. This role significantly boosted American industries and led to an economic boom. The U.S. emerged from both wars with a stronger economy while European countries were devastated and needed to rebuild.

- *World War II and the Post-War Era*: The U.S. joined World War II in 1941, again after other nations had been fighting for years. The American economy was further strengthened by wartime production. After the war, the U.S. was one of the few major industrial nations that had not been ravaged by conflict. This allowed the U.S. to take a leading role in international reconstruction efforts, including the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild Europe and solidified America's economic and political influence globally.

These factors combined to position the United States as a dominant global power with significant influence over international affairs, robust economic strength, and a unique capacity to shape the post-war world order.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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America is considered a great country for a variety of reasons, including:

1. Democracy and freedom: The United States is a beacon of democracy, offering citizens the right to vote, freedom of speech, and protection under the law.

2. Economic opportunities: The country has a strong economy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, providing opportunities for people to succeed and improve their lives.

3. Cultural diversity: The US is a melting pot of cultures, races, and religions, making it a vibrant and inclusive society.

4. Scientific and technological advancements: America has been at the forefront of scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and space exploration.

5. Natural beauty: From coastlines to mountains, forests, and national parks, the US is home to diverse and breathtaking natural landscapes.

6. Resilience and adaptability: Americans have a reputation for their ability to come together, overcome challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances.

7. Global influence: The US has played a significant role in shaping global politics, culture, and economy.

8. Education and innovation: America is home to some of the world's top universities, research institutions, and innovation hubs.

9. Military strength: The US has a strong military, protecting its citizens and contributing to global peacekeeping efforts.

10. Ideals of equality and justice: America strives to uphold the principles of equality, justice, and human rights, making it a beacon of hope for many around the world.

These factors contribute to America's greatness, but it's important to acknowledge that the country also faces challenges and areas for improvement.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Subah subah ai ko kaam pe laga diya.. stuck_out_tongue

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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What are we comparing here to even consider the word "great" like great in terms of what & in comparison to who?? great in military? capital mindset? infrastructure? arts? culture? history? too much of a general question to ask. 

A country that has become rich by stealing, colonizing other countries shouldn't be considered as "great" because any other dumb-avg country would too have become rich or "great" had they got so much power, freedom, money and political dominance. That's not great, that's gadha prasad's level of basic intelligence & use of opportunity any country would have:)

Bottom line: America is not great. They were/are just better capitalists. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The winner is the one who stays till last. No matter how bad tactics the last guy standing used he is a winner. Same goes with America.

Democracy and freedom are not the main things. The main thing i consider is Power.

America forced india to close its nuclear projects. America forced russia. Just go and read how many restrictions usa placed on russia. Restrictions on sports players, technical staff etc.

So first clear the meaning of Great.

Real america is not same as Hollywood,  there is racism against indians, check their transport, check rent rates and their school.

Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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What’s in the video ? It’s not really an India vs. America issue.

I’ve already written in the post: 'There are 200 countries in the world. Some countries are even better than America. But that doesn’t make them great.'

Understand what I mean by 'great' in short.

Do you believe in God? It doesn’t matter which God you believe in; you'll only find out after you die whether God exists or not, and if so, which one.

But in the real world, there is only one God — America.

What America wants in the world, happens.

When America wanted China to progress, China progressed and is still progressing. The day America decides, China will be finished.

Americans love to see their enemies bleed; they enjoy it. That’s why the war between Ukraine and Russia is not ending—because America wants to see Russia bleed.

De-dollarization has happened as much as it has because America wanted it to. The day America decides, the drama of de-dollarization will fade away from many countries.

All the technology, including IP rights, belongs to America. China cannot make anything without America's approval. It might make things, but it won’t be able to sell them in the international market, and whatever it makes will be outdated technology that has no value today.

These are just few examples.

And what I’m saying doesn’t answer the question of what makes America great. 👆🏼

The actual question is: How was all this achieved ?

If you have the answer to that, then that’s what makes America such a great country.

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Generous Generous
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America is great because it turned "Netflix and chill" into a cultural phenomenon, and somehow convinced the world that pineapple belongs on pizza.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Because America is a made up country after stealing the land from red indians by killing them (their past sin)

So to survive successfully they done anything they can using democracy

MAIN REASON -> They accepted immigrants FROM ALL OTHER COUTRIES warm heartedly for growing their own country 

now America is not full of American residents in truth they are full of multiple country people lol with different origins (infact non is Americans they are stealers from other land stealing from ORIGINAL red Indians)

so they made up from scratch in a way to survive and that worked out with the help of democracy

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Reserve currency : Dollar!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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A nation is made of people live in there. Great people make a great nation.

Critic Critic
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The power of dollar.

Nothing less , nothing more

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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America is a country which is treated to be great in a stage of it's life cycle post the 19th century at the cusp of scientific, capitalistic, plural individualistic, Cultural & industrialized Renaissance era in which it thrived due to various geographical -Historical -scientific & technology led accidents working in it's favour

* America inhereted the goodwill of vast geographic resource rich - Enterprising European population with a clean slate to start it's journey post it's so called discovery on late medivial period

* America happens to be having a melting pot of cultures due to it vibrant immigration across 15th to 21st century from various parts of the world ranging from African population as slaves to European merchants  to Asian capitalists  to just people looking to opportunities 

* Post 1860s civil war unrest and chaos America got it's own dynamic environment ushered in by California gold Rush -Rail roads -industrialization - colonial shift - guilded age capitalism - expansion & consolidation of domestic power to usher in powerful innovative socio economic powerhouse by the end of 19th century 

* The American adventure of building or co Habbiting the infrastructure boom in ways like Panama Canal -suez canal - military embarkments - scientific research etc gave them a pole position along with capital to play a pivotal role in the early part of 20th century which eventually led to being a flag bearer of growth both on aspirational levels & economically at the global stage

Teddy Roosevelt  administration played the pivotal role to bring the world of American aggression  via military expeditions & cultural imperialism in various forms including the famous Teddy bear 🧸

* The late entry to a almost brutally hammered allies in conflict with central/axis powers was monumentally shift the power equation in crucial Hundred days Offensive led be American resources 

Woodrow Wilson administration cemented & dictated the terms of post war rebuilding by establishing a strict monetary penalty on German uprising and creation of global organizations charter including UNO 

* The post war industrial boom of early 20th century although had it pitfalls in form of Pandemic Influenza-spanish flu - and the great depression to military blunders bit America emerged on top by late 1930s due to various historical accidents majorly being at the reciveing end of good human resources due to it's superior perceived global leader in various socio economic spheres to persecution of Jews in Europe in a Fragmented disengaging imperial colonial departure by late 1930s 

* The 2nd world War led by German aggression in relationship with it's perceived excesses of 1st world devastating crippling by allies on German psyche was crushed again by American - Russian - Uk -France & it's culmination of Hitler's demise to Nuclear bombing of Japan which was the result of the great achievements by Americans led by projects like Manhattan Project ushered a new global leader in form of both economic tone setting by anchoring the central trade -currency - military - global instructions in favor of USA . 

Post 2nd world War era was marked by American agression in every sphere of the global events be it massive industrial outputs - scientific advancements-cultural influences- capital hegemony- Military capabilities - pushing to decolonization - setting global Institutions everything set for the Great American advantage culmination of what was then a globalising world 

The late 1960s socio economic -military -Scientific -infrastructural achievements in competition with Russia led communism was a Pivotal movement in establishing the American greatness at large marked major achievements like space race - Arms race - consolidation of economic hegemony - global trade - Military dependence by large swathes Europe & others both for capital & ammunition etc finally led to it's unrivalled Greatness & The fall of USSR just made the historic favour to all American adventures


* Post soviet collapse world was dominated by USA in every sphere of influence be it Space tech - military technology -  Capital - trade - scientific research- computer technology- Internet - & what not untill the scene was crashed by The tragic y2k to 9/11attacks to a more aggressive china . 

Present situation is a Decoupling of USA from its greatness & excesses of a these history unravelling in a multi decade long shift in power from American hegemony and it's better not to acess the present in view of our lived memory & biases that's my take 

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Because they have own based tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Oracle etc. which are ruins the world!

Vanguard Vanguard
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They want you to believe it.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Money and Power.

Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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As certain American politicians themselves say it

Critic Critic
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In the United States, democracy is practiced in a way that truly reflects its principles, unlike here where the ruling power operates as if in a dictatorship. Democracy often feels like an illusion in our context. In America, however, democracy allows people to live their lives to the fullest. It is the people who contribute to making the country better.
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I don't like America instead I prefer japan.... But both of countries are out of reach from myself. 🤣🤣😂🤣

Post Emperor Post Emperor
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Merit based immigration.

Community Angel Community Angel
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Helpful Helpful
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Country First attitude of the American Citizens make it great.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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First, let’s talk about the Illuminati. This group, dating back to the Enlightenment era, has been manipulating global events from behind the scenes. The Founding Fathers? Many of them were actually high-ranking members of the Illuminati!

They embedded symbols of their secret society into American iconography—the pyramid and the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill. By doing this, they ensured that America would be the central hub of their New World Order.

Then there’s the influence of extraterrestrials. That’s right, aliens. Area 51 isn’t just a random military base; it’s the epicenter of human-alien collaboration. These extraterrestrials have been sharing advanced technology with the U.S. government for decades.

This is why America leads in tech innovation and space exploration. The moon landing in 1969? It wasn’t just a human achievement—it was a joint mission with our alien allies!

Don’t forget about the mind control experiments, like MKUltra. The CIA’s experiments with LSD and other mind-altering substances were just the tip of the iceberg. These programs aimed to create a population that could be easily influenced and manipulated.

Hollywood, the media, and even the education system have been used to subtly guide public opinion and maintain America’s dominance on the world stage. And let’s not ignore the economic conspiracies.

The Federal Reserve, a private entity masquerading as a government institution, controls the money supply and manipulates the economy to benefit a select few. This ensures that wealth and power remain concentrated in the hands of those who can pull the strings from behind the curtain.

Lastly, America’s military might is no coincidence. It’s the result of decades of covert deals, secret weapons programs, and strategic alliances with other powerful entities. The Military-Industrial Complex ensures that America remains the top dog in global conflicts, often by creating conflicts in the first place to justify its immense defense budget.

So, what makes America great? It’s the result of centuries of carefully orchestrated events by secret societies, extraterrestrial collaborations, mind control experiments, economic manipulations, and a powerful military agenda. The truth is out there, and it’s more unbelievable than you could ever imagine!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I believe it's the people, people of a country make make it great or greatest.
People do innovations, people write rules and laws, so innovations can be done and prosper. 

It's the people of the USA who believe they have to be the greatest to keep being that they try to do all that suits that statement.
I can go on and on, every country wants to be in that place but its the people who make the decisions and people who execute it.

Generous Generous
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Education left the chat...

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Why America is great? 

Simple answer is it has  US Dollar. Which is Worlds reserve currency. 

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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Ya every country has its own currency, but we are unable to make the Indian Rupee a world's reserve currency on such a large scale.

However, the USA did it and continues to maintain it, which is why America is considered great.

The people who made the US Dollar a world's reserve currency, they are great.

And such great people come from immigration.

In India, no matter how intelligent or genius people are, the thinking of the 1.4 billion people is approximately the same. That's why we are never able to think out of the box.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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What is the point of talking about problems in other countries? Fix our problems first. You may be very rich, but you don't know the real issues. Every comment you make is about America—why are you so obsessed?

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Dollar. English. World War/Cold War victories. Bullying powers granted because of the above. 

The PostMighty The PostMighty
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An astonishing amount of people think the white American is a native American. The white American is a descendant of the British. America was colonized by the British just like India but way back in the 17th and 18th century. Unlike India, the American natives were mostly massacred because they were not as many of them and they wouldn't get enslaved. The same template wouldn't have worked in India because they would have needed to kill 30x more people than Hitler did during the Holocaust.

So, basically, the early Britishers who moved there had a country seven times larger than India with all local population conveniently wiped out. All land and resources were theirs now and they could plan and develop it. A couple of generations of Britishers did just that, lived there and now disliked the idea of sending the fruits of their labour to a king/queen sitting on a throne in Britain. So Britishers in America fought Britishers from Britain and achieved "independence" towards the end of 18th century.

The World Wars of the 20th century didn't hurt them like the other European countries (who were directly fighting) or Asian/African countries (whose resources were being drained by their European colonists to support the war). So, they came out on top when the dust had settled.

That's how America is a great country today. They continue to be one because they have the best marketing people in the world!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Very fine observations made by you.

The Americans are basically british rebels, had there been no world wars America would not have been so great, there were many potential great nations in line prior to world war era

Comrade Comrade
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Tribes used to live in America so there was an abundance of resources.. Europeans came and destroyed most of the native people and declared it an Independent country.. (unlike other countries they were not able to loot the resources to europe because they declared independence too early)...

Because of the availability of abundance resources they developed very fast..

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