Dodla Dairy IPO Opens: Check GMP Today, Launch Date, Share Price, and more

Dodla Dairy operates majorly in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra. It also operates globally in Uganda and Kenya.

by FighterMan Updated: 19 Mar, 2022, 16:00 IST
8 3041

The Hyderabad-based dairy company Dodla Dairy is here with its Rs 520 crore IPO. This company makes earnings mainly from different types of milk (around 70%) and then from other dairy products. It has a good financial track record, but has it survived the Covid scare in the dairy industry marketplace? You will get to know about this, GMP Today, Launch Date, Share Price, and more in this short read. Most importantly, will this IPO give you profits? Well, let's checkout.

dodla dairy ipo

This is the 3rd IPO so far of June 2021 behind Shyam Metalics IPO and Sona Comstar IPO. Also, KIMS Hospitals IPO will be launching along with it.

Dodla Dairy IPO Launch and other Important Dates

Check the important dates including opening, closing, and listing of the Dodla Dairy IPO below.

Dodla Dairy IPO Important Dates, June 2021

Opens on


Closes on


Allotment Notification


Shares Allotment




Listing on BSE & NSE


Dodla Dairy IPO GMP Today

The GMP Today (15th June 2021, 09:27) of Dodla Dairy IPO is Rs 180. It is expected to go up to a limited extent as per grey market premium pundits (unofficial).

Date & Time GMP / Grey Market Premium
14th June 2021, 14:02 Rs 80
15th June 2021, 09:27 Rs 180
16th June 2021, 10:54 Rs 130
17th June 2021, 12:52 Rs 90

Dodla Dairy IPO Share Price

The share price of Dodla Dairy IPO is fixed at Rs 421-428 per equity share. Its issue size is Rs 520 crores, fresh issue is worth Rs 50 crores, and offer for sale is of around 10985K shares. The lot size here is 35 shares with min investment value of Rs 14,980 and max of Rs 1,94,740.

Dodla Dairy Company Profile

Dodla Dairy is a 26 year old company in the southern part of India. It is into procurement, processing, distribution, and marketing of milk, curd, butter, ghee, ice cream, and other dairy products.

Should you Subscribe to Dodla Dairy IPO or Not?

Dodla Dairy operates majorly in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra. It also operates globally in Uganda and Kenya. It has 13 processing plants, 40 sales offices, 3336 distribution agents, 863 milk distributors, and 449 product distributors across 11 states in the country. Moreover, It ranks 2nd in market presence among its peers (Amul, Mother Dairy, Govardhan) in the country with most in south India.

In the last 3 years, it showed a steady growth in its assets. Although, its revenue dropped from Rs 15.9k million in March’18 to Rs 9.1k million in Sept’20. This drop might be due to the ongoing pandemic because in March’20 it recorded Rs 21.4k million. Besides, the company is into profit with a growth of around Rs 179 million.

Out of the Rs 520 crores raised, it will use Rs 32.36 crore to repay debt taken from ICICI, HSBC, and HDFC banks. Also, Rs 7.15 crore will be used for capital expenditure requirements.

Besides, in Dec’20 it had an outstanding indebtedness of Rs 87.37 crores.

Therefore, taking all the above points into consideration, Dodla Dairy IPO can be subscribed for small listing gains and large long term gains.

FighterMan aka Sahil Hitesh Ajmera is a 4+ Years Experienced Content Writer with 1.2M+ User Sessions, 486.41% max growth, and 1000+ Articles across Best Products, OTT, Telecom, Online Shopping, Finance, Credit Cards, Saving Tips, Deals & Offers, more!
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Analyst Analyst
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Convenient use of millions in company figures and crores demanded from people.

OP while posting atleast you should have kept the details for the DD viewers in perspective.

Revenue of 9 million means just 90 lakhs and company wants 530 crores when it has outstandings close to its annual turnover (simplifying language)

As I see it the company is on the verge of shutter down due to mounting debts and last ditched efforts with efforts of punters just because all new IPO’s are garbage.

There is more money to be made in other dairy businesses if that’s the choice.

Blogger Blogger
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its 9k million

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Anyone applied ? Anyone got ?how much Listing gains expected ?

Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Yeah, applied from 3 Demats.
Got one allotment on my dad’s name.

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