Barbeque Nation, a popular restaurant chain in India is all geared up to launch its IPO. It also manages Toscano Restaurants and UBQ which are into delivery segments. As of Sep’19 it had assets worth Rs 859 crores, revenue of Rs 424 crores, and profit(after tax) of Rs 9.3 crores. Although, its revenue and profit took a significant drop from March’19 to Sept’19, but due to short term it is tough to be judged. Now, let's checkout its Dates, Price Band, GMP Today, and more.
Barbeque Nation IPO Opening & Closing Dates
The Barbeque Nation IPO will open for subscription on 24th March 2021 and will close on 26th March 2021.
Barbeque Nation IPO Share Price Band
The price band of Barbeque Nation IPO is estimated to be fixed at Rs 498-500 per equity share. It will come with a face value of Rs 5 per equity share.
Grey Market Premium or GMP Today of Barbeque Nation IPO
The Grey Market Premium of Barbeque Nation IPO is rumored to be Rs 350 today(15:01 IST). For exact GMP, stay tuned.
Barbeque Nation IPO Listing Date
The Listing Date of Barbeque Nation IPO is assumed to be 16th April 2021 on the BSE and NSE. You can watch its launch live on tv channels and Youtube live.
Barbeque Nation IPO Allotment Date
You can check the Allotment Date of Barbeque Nation IPO in the table below, but this is only the expected schedule. To check your subscription status, you can visit KFintech’s IPO Allotment Status Page.
Allotment |
2nd April 2021 |
Refund |
3rd April 2021 |
Shares Credit to Demat Account |
4th April 2021 |
What is the Valuation or Size of Barbeque Nation IPO?
The Barbeque Nation IPO is expected to be valued at Rs 1200 Crore. It will most probably have around 98 Lakh shares for sale.
Company Profile
Barbeque Nation or BBQ Nation came into existence in 2006. In 2008, its first restaurant was set up. Currently, it has 138 restaurants in 73 cities of India and 7 restaurants in 3 countries globally. It also operates the brand ‘Red Apple’ which has 10 Italian restaurants under its belt in Bangalore and Chennai.
It operates “all you can eat” restaurants or you can say ‘buffet’ restaurants across the country. Besides, it satisfies both vegetarians and nonvegetarians with its indian and global cuisine. It is well known for its “on the table” customized barbeque.
We thank our Dimer suplex_city for first breaking this news via his Barbeque Nation Hospitality Limited IPO (Barbeque Nation IPO) Detail thread.
Will you apply to BBQ Nation IPO? Do share your views in the comments below. You can also check out the latest updates on LIC IPO and Nazara Technologies IPO.
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