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Hello Everyone,
Valentine’s day is round the corner, many of you might have some big plans around it and you all might already be celebrating valentine’s week and surprising your loved one with gifts or flowers or with your words. So why not have some contest on it. Valentine’s day is all about expressing your love for your loved ones. So let us know what is “Love” according to you, has its definition changed post pandemic? Since we have all experienced and spent far more time during the lockdown with our loved one, we are sure it has redefined the feelings and renewed the bonds we share. Now with the Valentine coming up we would be keen to know from you
According to me, Love is ________
You can write maybe a single word to express it or you can write few lines too.
We will pick 10 random winners who will get Rs 50 Amazon gift card.
Contest will end on 14th Midnight. We will declare winners on 16th.
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कुछ ही दिनों में “वेलेंटाइन डे” आने वाला है
वेलेंटाइन डे से मेरा उतना ही रिश्ता है जितना इंग्लैंड वालों का नागपंचमी से है
Love Is Friendship
Hindi Translation – Pyaar Dosti Hai
Love is cricket. Cricket is love 💕
According to me, Love is what we do with our parents, our spouse, and our children; and that is not true love that forces us to leave one to love another.
Love is boundary-less
Love is Cancer which will if not cured will be toxic for the body.
Someone broke your heart my friend
Love is family…. Specially mumma , papa…if they are with us by then we can achieve the biggest goal of our life
According to me, Love is to be kind with everyone.
We don’t know to which phase someone is going through. We don’t know their stories. We can’t be them and see what they have experienced, what they have seen and felt. What shaped them into who they are.
Be kind, stay happy, spread the happiness and love!… Cheers!
According to me, Love is a feeling which can be felt, but can’t be expressed in words
According to me, Love is when you selflessly care for someone, you want to be more in company with that person, you trust that person and much more…
According to me, TRUE LOVE is caring without any expectations in return. If ur partner really loves, he/she will sacrifice everything in return.
Valentine’s Day is Chapri Diwas
According to me, Love Is Conditional
Love is what we aspire to most in our lives
Love is the best feeling..
Desidime & it’s Flipkart video contest OPs are Love ❤️
Love is when i get to “Loot” DD deals.
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection." Meanwhile, Urban Dictionary defines love as, "The act of caring and giving to someone else. Having someone’s best interest and wellbeing as a priority in your life. To truly love is a very selfless act.
Love is having a tandoori chicken(the food you like the most) + Cold Drinks & Ice-creams + Netflix / Prime + Recliner + Friday Evening (preferably last working day of the month)
Love is fixing your priorities.
Love is blind
(refer below link to understand this)
@Wander-lust @Ots-14 @popeyethedimer guys..
we do have other topic with meme contest running.
Yes I am participating their also
Love is understanding and giving with no expectations
According to me, Love is a beautiful emotional feeling that boosts up your confidence #beinginlove
According to me, Love is BLIND, which should not see any status/age/caste or for any other mutual benefits.
Love need not to be expressed or to be impressed.. its a feel with care.
Caring words are more than enough than meeting each other (during pandemic)
Love is what makes us human.