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- What is the offer?
- Win scratch cards up to ₹1000* 3 times every day on your 3rd, 6th & 9th money transfer to any PhonePe user
- What is the eligibility criteria?
- Offer is eligible only for money transfers done using BHIM UPI
- Each money transfer must be for a minimum of ₹100
- Each of the recipients of the money transfer must be different PhonePe users
- Each of the recipients need to have a different bank account linked to their PhonePe account
- Money transfer must be to a PhonePe user (user registered on PhonePe with their bank account linked, or to a PhonePe UPI ID)
- Offer is not eligible for money transfers made to a non-PhonePe UPI ID or to a bank account (using account number and IFSC code)
- Money transfer must be initiated and completed on the PhonePe app using a PhonePe linked bank account and not with any other UPI enabled application
- This offer is not available in the state of Tamil Nadu (owing to the Tamil Nadu Prize Scheme (Prohibition) Act 1979) and other states wherever prohibited by law
- What is offer Duration?
- From 00:00 hrs 25th October 2019 to 23:59 hrs 31st October 2019
- How many times will I be awarded Scratch card?
- This offer can be availed once per user/bank account number/mobile number/mobile device
- Get up to 3 scratch cards in a day
- A scratch card will be awarded to a user every time a money transfer is done to a different PhonePe user
- How do I get the Scratch card?
- On your PhonePe app, click on To Contact
- Select the contact to whom you want to transfer
- Enter the amount you wish to transfer (minimum of ₹100)
- Click on pay to complete the transaction.
- The offer is valid only once per Bank Account and only once per PhonePe registered customer
- How do I redeem the Scratch card and get cashback?
- In the PhonePe app, click on View My Rewards section
- Find the unscratched cards and swipe to redeem the rewards
- Once redeemed scratch card cashback will be credited within 24 hours
- Scratch card redemption limit is up to 1 year
- Groups
- PhonePe Wallet
Lol, it’s been rangoli rangoli everywhere
pm me for exchange
I have 10-15 flowers but not a single rangoli
Give me 1 flower
I’m looking for Flower, Rangoli stamps, do you have them with you? https://gpay.app.goo.gl/...WV
View 4
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received 5
For exchange. Pm me
Humk bhi dayi do rangoli
Pm for exchange…
Got a useless FabHotels coupon.
If anybody interested to exchange ,pm me.i will not go first btw..
Looks server issue..
Ping Me For Exchange
PhonePe exchange with me
Hey, I just gifted you a Diwali stamp on Google Pay. Collect all 5 to get an assured Diwali surprise. I’m playing to win, are you? https://gpay.app.goo.gl/...sd
PhonePe exchange
I can do… Dm
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Need rangooli