- 10402
- 71
- Last Comment
- What is the offer?
- Win scratch cards up to ₹1000* 3 times every day on your 3rd, 6th & 9th money transfer to any PhonePe user
- What is the eligibility criteria?
- Offer is eligible only for money transfers done using BHIM UPI
- Each money transfer must be for a minimum of ₹100
- Each of the recipients of the money transfer must be different PhonePe users
- Each of the recipients need to have a different bank account linked to their PhonePe account
- Money transfer must be to a PhonePe user (user registered on PhonePe with their bank account linked, or to a PhonePe UPI ID)
- Offer is not eligible for money transfers made to a non-PhonePe UPI ID or to a bank account (using account number and IFSC code)
- Money transfer must be initiated and completed on the PhonePe app using a PhonePe linked bank account and not with any other UPI enabled application
- This offer is not available in the state of Tamil Nadu (owing to the Tamil Nadu Prize Scheme (Prohibition) Act 1979) and other states wherever prohibited by law
- What is offer Duration?
- From 00:00 hrs 25th October 2019 to 23:59 hrs 31st October 2019
- How many times will I be awarded Scratch card?
- This offer can be availed once per user/bank account number/mobile number/mobile device
- Get up to 3 scratch cards in a day
- A scratch card will be awarded to a user every time a money transfer is done to a different PhonePe user
- How do I get the Scratch card?
- On your PhonePe app, click on To Contact
- Select the contact to whom you want to transfer
- Enter the amount you wish to transfer (minimum of ₹100)
- Click on pay to complete the transaction.
- The offer is valid only once per Bank Account and only once per PhonePe registered customer
- How do I redeem the Scratch card and get cashback?
- In the PhonePe app, click on View My Rewards section
- Find the unscratched cards and swipe to redeem the rewards
- Once redeemed scratch card cashback will be credited within 24 hours
- Scratch card redemption limit is up to 1 year
- Groups
- PhonePe Wallet
Come ib for phonepe exchange
Don’t try as of now
Transactions are getting stucked
Is it true?
Yes transaction are pending
Time to install pp again after recnt merchant scan loot😝..
Wt is pp?
Don’t try now money is stuck now. Wait for a while
It’s working fine now
Now working anyone wants pp transfer?? Pm me
Received only ₹5
But offer expired bro
Now the offer is not showing
upi is unreliable as hell they dont work after 12 o clock in the night time basically 95% time says bank server down ,maintanice etc etc and they want to bring it to the world on the other hand debit,card netwowrks work anytime of the day without any problems
Working on ios only
just verified on android banner disappeared
Working fine in iOS (got 3 cards )
Pp exchange pm me
Its showing in android
Pp exchange
People are going mad for 5 rupees !
5 rupees is fixed
1.67 rs per transaction. Awesome
I am treating this as diwali gift from phonepe.
Received 5 & 5 in my accounts..
Pm me for xchange
Hey dont try here… Because every bank set some limited upi transactions per day… U may miss rangoli stamp…
Working in Android also.. I tried just now and got Rs. 5 Cashback
Not getting scratch card after 6th and 3rd transaction
Please Pm for exchange
Is this offer on now?
Yes. Got 5 rs as well
Anyone up for exchange?
Pm me for exchange
Pm for exchamge