Already sold out in Bangalore
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All sold out In Delhi too.
Oos in Mumbai tried 2 pincode
Available in Mumbai
Already oos time to make juice....👋
Super thanks... Ordered only limited from Bangalore waiting for delivery
Let us know the taste once it gets delivered
Pincode @rohitjain1 ?
110034 - Pitampura Delhi
Someone has looted from many to find in which grp it was posted first?
is it bb grocery?
Not interested in these juces but It was there in Chennai until now. Now gone for my Pincode.
I know these are not really healthy but once in a while is fine, especially when these things are on loot price..
Check big basket app as well. Available there
Got it
Diabetes on sale
Abhi products pe off lo aur baadme doctor diabetic aur medicines pe paise waste Karo
Business this is business 🤭🤭
Free beatO glucometer also available bro
Available in my area but skipped it happily.😊😊
Ordered 6, will distribute to house helps
Why not you consume it yourself?
Now it's over at Bangalore
are prices now increased or oos?
Why not you consume it yourself?
Bhai my house help burns multiple times more calories than me. So while this is poison for most urban people, it's okay for those who have physically intensive jobs.
Construction workers here literally eat handful of raw sugar in absence of other food items.
Only on the health thing, these flavours are awful, so must be tested before giving to anyone.