It's the 9th day of Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale 2021, and it has come up with yet another offer. Earlier, the bank offers in American Express, Citi bank, RBL bank, and Rupay were introduced. Now, Amazon promises Free Delivery on every order in this Sale.
What is the “Free Delivery on Every Order” offer on Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale?
The “Free Delivery on Every Order” offer on Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale entitles you to zero delivery charge on no minimum order value. Thus, your every order, whatever be the cart value, will be delivered for free. However, there are some T&Cs you need to keep in mind. Besides, here are some of the Best Amazon Great Indian Festival deals curated for this sale.
What is the eligibility of Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale Free Delivery offer and T&Cs?
Below given are the eligibility points of Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale Free Delivery offer. You can also go through the entire Amazon Free Delivery offer T&Cs here.
- This Amazon Free Delivery offer is valid for a limited time only. However, the company hasn't revealed the end date of the offer.
- Make a note that this offer is not valid on seller fulfilled items, Amazon Pantry, Prime Now, Amazon Easy, and Amazon Fresh.
- Also, you will get free standard delivery only so if you want express delivery then you need to pay for it.
- Another important point here is that only ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ items will be eligible for this offer. ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ or ‘FBA’ items are those which are stored, packed, and dispatched by Amazon itself. Thus, check for ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ text on the product page.
Amazon generally levies a delivery charge of Rs 40 on orders below Rs 499 on ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ items. Thus, suppose your product is worth Rs 50 then you will get it for Rs 50 only instead of Rs 90. This is what makes this Amazon offer exciting. You can check out items under 50 Rupees on Amazon here for some interesting finds.
It is possible that some products even if ‘FBA’ will be charged for delivery. However, currently these products seem to be on a very low count which is great. What’s more, if you cancel your order, you will still be eligible for this Amazon Free Delivery offer. There is another offer in What are Diamond Points and How to earn and use them during Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale so you can go through it.
What will you buy to get the best of this Amazon offer? Do share with us in the comments section. Also, a special thanks to our Dimer rajrocks for sharing this Amazon Get FREE delivery on every order. No Minimum order value. Limited Period Offer deal.
Good and informative post for free delivery on amazon