
Restaurants Announced 10-20% Discount During Lok Sabha Elections 2K24

Get 10-20% discounts on restaurants this Lok Sabha elections. Get all the details about the offer, offers in cities, & more on this page.

by Akhee_S_W Updated: 13 May, 2024, 14:38 IST
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Voting isn’t just a right; it’s the voice of the people shaping the destiny of a nation. And for our younger ones: From ink on paper to ink on our finger at ballot... Time changes. This Lok Sabha election, being a vigilant citizen vote for a brighter future & in return (as a present) receive 10-20% off at restaurants


The Lok Sabha Elections 2024 have already begun & are being conducted in seven phases. Until now, three stages have been completed, with the fourth phase underway today.

In the previous Lok Sabha Elections, there was remarkable interest from both adults & young people in voting, as it was seen as influential in shaping the country’s future. But, this time, there seems to be a decrease in voter interest. The decrease has sparked queries about the level of voter involvement, leading businesses to take surprising decisions & aid in increasing awareness surrounding voting. By noticing these issues, several hotels, cafes, & restaurants have announced 10-20% discounts for those who have inked fingers.

Cities Offering 10-20% Discounts On Food During Lok Sabha Elections 2K24

Due to the drop in voter interest & to increase awareness surrounding voting, several food chains & individual restaurants are offering 10–20% discounts. If you have already cast your vote & want to treat yourself to a delicious meal, below are the cities where you can grab those 10–20% discounts for Lok Sabha Elections 2K24.

  • Mumbai
  • Pune
  • Mahabaleshwar
  • Delhi
  • Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO) OFFER On MARTINO’Z PIZZA | Chunav Special Offer 2K24

As restaurants are offering 10-20% discount for Lok Sabha Elections 2024, not to be left behind, cafes and fast-food joints are also joining in to encourage voting awareness. One such popular pizza chain, 'Martino'z Pizza', has jumped on board with its 'Chunav 2024 Special Offer' with the tagline 'Aapke Matadhikar Ka Upayog kare' (Make use of your voting rights).

On May 13, 2024, you can avail of their 'Buy One Get One Pizza' offer on a regular-sized pizza or a monster-sized one. Grab this deal by simply visiting any Martino'z Pizza outlet in Madhya Pradesh, and presenting either your inked finger or proof of voting.


HRAWI Reports On Offering Discounts During Lok Sabha Elections 2K24

“Voting is a fundamental right and a powerful way for every citizen to contribute to the democratic process. Through the ‘Pledge To Vote’ campaign, HRAWI aims to instil a sense of responsibility and pride in exercising this right among individuals of all backgrounds. Apart from installing placards, we have

also suggested that member establishments offer special discounts on food bills to customers who display the mark of the indelible ink on their finger, signifying that they have cast their vote. This gesture not only incentivizes voting but also reinforces the message of civic responsibility and participation.”

“We also encourage members to actively engage on social media platforms by posting alerts, updates and reminders urging people to cast their votes. Leveraging digital channels plays a crucial role in reaching a wider audience and amplifying the message of voter participation.”

Done voting? What Next? , it's time to reward yourself, especially in this sunny summer heat. Why not elevate this holiday with some delicious meals? If you are craving for tasty treats and looking for discounts, then make use of EATSURE, SWIGGY, BURGER KING, and McDONALDS Coupons & Offers. Order online & save today!

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Deal Cadet
Akhee is a content writer specializing in budget shopping, travel, telecom & others. Enjoys crafting articles, watching blockbusters, and staying updated on politics. Akhee prefers beaches over mountains and seeks new adventures constantly.
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