Amazon Auto cancellation of Order due to Account in hold

Deal Cadet
Hi Everyone ,

On 21st June 2023, I tried to place order of washing machine, due to some technical issue on Amazon payment gateway (screenshot attached with complaint) payment couldn't not be completed and when I retry payment multiple orders got placed without payment confirmation. When I checked orders section I cancelled all erroneous orders. This all happened due to Amazon payment gateway technical issue. Proof of the same I am attaching with this complaint.

Now after 2 hours I could complete payment and order was placed successfully but within 2 minutes of order confirmation my order was cancelled by amazon systems. Based on my past order activity and other actions on, Amazon systems have identified a suspicious order, leading to auto cancellation of my order. Currently any order I place on my account is getting auto cancelled.

Now I appealed ofm account specialist team about the same with justification and provided explaination about technical issue also provided proofs of the same. Although account specialist team have not provided me resolution and not ready to me. This has blocked my account and I can't place any single order in this Amazon account.

Expected Solution:
1. Either ofm account specialist team should unblock my account so that I can continue to use my Amazon account. I have multi relationships with Amazon. I own ICICI Amazon pay credit card for which cashback is credited into same account. Also I have Amazon pay balance of INR 666.46 and shopping voucher of INR2032.00. so that I can continue to use my money and spend it in Amazon.
2. If account specialist team is not ready to unblock account then they should provide resolutions for all 3 points mentioned in point 1. i.e. i) icici Amazon pay credit card cashback. How will I receive the same. ii) Refund Amazon pay balance of INR 666.46 iii) Refund of shopping voucher worth INR 2032.00. I should be provided resolution as this consumer rights to recover money in case my account access revoked
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If your account was really blocked on 21st june 2023 then your balance must have been automatically expired.

If it's not expired yet then you should extract your pay balance via online recharge/ bill payment or by payment on any third party app.

For asv you have you can purchase some gift cards from that balance
2 brands i know is reliance smart gv, big basket gv , you can try on any other brand if it works

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