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Will homelander die in this season of the boys?

Avant Garde
10 Dimers
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Nope. Probably in Season 5. This show is doomed to fail if Homelander dies.

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Subsequently, His son will replace him as leader of 7

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Nope. Homelander is the most iconic and most important character in the boys. Killing him without bringing an equally complex and intriguing villain would handicap the show. 

But Butcher and the boys might find something that could weaken his powers, like kryptonite to Superman.

Avant Garde Avant Garde
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I am expecting that Gen V webseries characters can also be seen in this season

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Benevolent Benevolent
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No I think in s5 butcher gonna kill homelander

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If Trump looses, he dies(just like liberals writing this series want - Trump to loose, show homelander in his image). 

Don't want to comment more on American politics but left ecosystem just ruins shows and movies with their propaganda.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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What would be an example of a good show by Right Conservative Writers?
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Firestorm Firestorm
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I really hope Homelander meets his end, but I want Butcher to stick around—he's the heart and soul of The Boys. Something needs to be done about Vicky too (but she shouldn't die, bcoz she seems to be a kind women)... And in the future, I'd love to see Bucher reunite with his wife's son, Ryan. Plus, Kimiko deserves justice—I'm absolutely smitten with her.. like when she smiles, it melts me 💞

Vanguard Vanguard
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Who are these people bhai?  Anime?

Avant Garde Avant Garde
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These people are father of Anime and homelander is the grandfather.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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No but I feel Sister Sage being a black woman will become one of the good guys in this season.

Avant Garde Avant Garde
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Feel like soon she will come on the side of the butcher.
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I think sister Sage is gonna die as she is new and new characters usually dies.

Avant Garde Avant Garde
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It seems like Every character is gonna die which I like.
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Here also, the rich kids, Homelander (0 votes) and starlight (0 votes), are getting Isolated/Deserted. I think it's their fate... sob sweat_smile

Benevolent Benevolent
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Oops, I miised the poll earlier but I have just voted smile

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