Why Magicpin not shutting down its food delivery business?

Wishlist Champion

Here in Mumbai from past many months not a single order received on time infact it tooked double the estimated time in most of the cases

Now like cherry on cake they even stopped customer only pre defined message no proper support even after selecting any option 

Mostly because of less delivery agents and high orders

If they can't handle why they are running it?

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Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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This is because magicpin does not have their delivery boys. They rely on rapido and ola riders for food delivery. So rapido prioritise their own order first then if there is available rider than it is  assigned food delivery order so most of the order are late

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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In race of 3 people they advertise themselves as 3rd largest food delivery app joy

(Btw I get most orders on time in my area)

Wishlist Champion Wishlist Champion
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Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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This is because magicpin does not have their delivery boys. They rely on rapido and ola riders for food delivery. So rapido prioritise their own order first then if there is available rider than it is  assigned food delivery order so most of the order are late

Like Magnet Like Magnet
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I have the same experience with Ola. Magicpin on the other hand delivers every time.

Generous Generous
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They send the order to the store only after they are able to find a rider sweat_smile

If you are hungry and need food on time, then order from swiggy Zomato. If ordering for timepass then go for Magicpin

Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Most of there riders are moonlighting...or if there is additional riders in zomato they share with magicpin...

Swiggy is also delivering late because most of the orders are clubbed so rider is going to two restaurants collecting orders and then delivering them 

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