Why Are People Rude for No Reason?

Deal Cadet
  • I just got a call from a company yesterday
  • The person on the phone seemed to be young, probably around 25-28. 
  • He asked me if I was interested in working in his company.
  • I said that I'm not looking for a new job, but I'm available for any freelance orders. 
  • He asked me why I prefer freelancing over full-time, and I told him about my reasons. 
  • He then said that his company was willing to provide a good salary, but I wasn't convinced. 
  • Next, he says that I won't earn anything from freelancing. 
  • I told him that it was enough for me now, and I had more plans. 
  • He asked me my age, I told him it was 21...then he laughed a little and said "That's why" and hung up the call. 

I don't see any reason for him to talk to me in this manner. Forget him, I don't see any reason why someone would go out of their way to belittle a person they don't even know. 

Maybe it made his day, but it has been on my mind since yesterday, and gave me another reason to doubt myself now. I generally don't mind any insults, mein moti chamdi wala insaan hoon...but when it comes to my work, I get very doubtful if someone says that I might not make it. Just wanted to share this...idk if it will help me, but I know that at least people on this platform are sensible enough. 

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Hunk Hunk
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People want to listen to what suits their agenda and if they don't like what you say then they become rude.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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It's not advisable to get into small talk with strangers unless you are actually looking for something out of them.

Telling him that you are interested as a freelancer is fine, but the moment he asked about your reasons to choose it over regular job, that's an intrusion to personal space and a big red flag, withdraw immediately. 

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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It's not advisable to get into small talk with strangers unless you are actually looking for something out of them.

Telling him that you are interested as a freelancer is fine, but the moment he asked about your reasons to choose it over regular job, that's an intrusion to personal space and a big red flag, withdraw immediately. 

Commentator Commentator
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It's not advisable to get into small talk with strangers unless you are actually looking for something out of them. -- perfect!! 

@ OP, above is a very very valuable advice and will be good if you start following it since you are young, when he asked if you are interested to work in his company, I would have asked the payscale and if its lower than my current then would have cut the call saying no and bye OR if you are so sure that you are not looking for a new job, I would right away cut the call just like how you do with the loan calls
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Ohhh! So rude.

But why did you pickup the call if you don't want Job ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It was an unknown number and I don't use Truecaller
So I just pickup all the calls that I get (hardly any lol)
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Just an advice. If you are not interested and think any call is spam. Just say you are busy and hangup. Both call center guy and you save a lot of time.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I generally do that
But when I get calls from companies, I just inform them that I'm available as a freelancer, because it may/may not be good for them, but it would help me make my client base bigger. 
Hunk Hunk
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People want to listen to what suits their agenda and if they don't like what you say then they become rude.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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You became rude just by telling the truth pensive.

That's why I think @ .TridentDG is being hated here ! Nobody like Truth & their agenda being uprooted!

Note- it's off topic, not related to OP s post. Don't come knocking wink.

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Commentator Commentator
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Sometimes it happens, the best thing we can do is ignore. Today I called BOB customer care and he was also rude and he literally asked 10 questions for verification not only account number but my aadhaar and in between he started again from Q1 mentioning in between I was not audible. At last, i scolded him for my satisfaction and quickly ended the call.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Yess, I'll ignore such people as much as possible
Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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It's not advisable to get into small talk with strangers unless you are actually looking for something out of them.

Telling him that you are interested as a freelancer is fine, but the moment he asked about your reasons to choose it over regular job, that's an intrusion to personal space and a big red flag, withdraw immediately. 

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Kindly fix the issue by Reversing the Time. You can do that Dr. Strange!

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Post Emperor Post Emperor
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Coz of " SANSKAR "

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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True that
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Because 'this world should know pain'. JK

It's getting bad to worse. As you are young it's difficult to ignore, having worked in corporate for long, I can say you cannot let that occupy your mind to extent you have to create post. You will need to learn to let go, I know nobody can completely, but you def can quicken the process. You are 21, you are already on good path, keep learning.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Thank you so much!!
I swear I don't take these things to heart. People in real life and on social media make fun of me, and I even laugh at their jokes if they are good enough, I have a jolly nature. But when someone doubts my work, my doubts increase 10 times.

It's hardly been a month since I started something of my own, and my family has already started asking why they aren't seeing any big results. They are even discouraging me by saying that my plan won't work, and that I should do something else. I have been barely managing it, and then a nobody comes out of nowhere and says these things. It makes me all the more nervous and doubtful.
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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The tolerance level is soo down for young people . Come into real world if you are thinking of this for days they you won't be able to survive in the current world . Everyone wants to satisfy their ego . Just don't think too much !

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I won't say that my tolerance level is low

Everyone has a different tolerance level for different things. You might tolerate a joke or 2 on you, but I can tolerate people making fun of me for years. Similarly, it would be fine for you to handle comments on your work, but it's difficult for me. 

And yes, I won't think of it much. I just needed some advice from experienced people like you, and trust me, DD is a much better platform for that. 
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Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Behind the veil of anonymity e.g. the internet or phone, people are WAYYY more rude than in real life

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Investor Guru Investor Guru
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Bhai krte kya ho ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Mein 1 content writer hoon
Agar aap DD prr purane ho toh shaayad aapne mere articles padhe honge
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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People, especially younger folks, hate rejection.

When they ask for something and you say no, their ego gets hurt. That's why sometimes it's best to just say "Sorry. No" and end the conversation, especially with cold callers.

It's best not to answer calls from unknown numbers unless you're expecting one. Most of the time, they'll just ruin your day.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I agree

But part of my work is to answer these calls and pitch my services.

I have 4-5 clients working with me right now, 2 of which called me for a full-time position only, and I'm glad that I picked up their calls.  
Hotshot Hotshot
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I think it was a fraud call to cheat money from you in the name of giving job.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It's highly possible
Scamsters generally get angry easily when someone doesn't  fall for their schemes.
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@SakataGintoki -- Move on young man. There is lot more to go through. Learn from such incidents and cherish the ones which made you happy. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Yessss, I won't pay any heed to such people now.  Thank you!!!
Generous Generous
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just tell them that u r in a very important meeting and then block , bcoz u know where this will go

-also always give them wrong bad  data , like u own a PAAN shop, u already in debt, CIBIL score is negative, sucha type will make u red flag for them

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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But I heard that these companies share people's data with each other, and it would put me in a negative light in front of prospective clients, no??
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Learn to ignore anything except constructive criticism, irrespective of who is on the other end. Even if someone praises you, learn to ignore. These days, most people have hidden agenda. If you fall for it, you'd become the looser in that situation.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Fully agreed

I will ignore them now

It something doesn't benefit me, it's a waste of time.
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