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Utilities by DealSeeker

Utilities by DealSeeker
What’s this?

A thread where I will share utilities developed by me to solve specific problems related to DesiDime or online shopping in general.

What is a utility?

A software utility is defined as a program that performs a very specific task. My utilities will come as userscripts, browser extensions, web applications, or even desktop applications.

Where can you give feedback or request features?

Please give your feedback in this Google Form:

  1. All of my utilities are without any implied warranty of fitness for any purpose or use whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
  2. I do not have any relationship or affiliation or sponsorship agreement with DesiDime, other than being a licensed user of the DesiDime API and a registered user at this portal.
  3. Please give your feedback and/or suggestions for improvements.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

39 Dimers
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Perfectionist Perfectionist
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d3xt3r wrote:
Vu +12 kg, I never understand what makes the user of desidime more committed than admin for making this site more better than ever.
Anyways OP should be rewarded with some dimes for such a generous work

Thank you for your kind words, bro. I am just giving back to the community in my own way.

But, trust me, I can’t be more committed than admin for the simple reason that his livelihood comes from this portal.

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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I am thinking of creating another utility to allow a select few users to send PM to multiple users in a single click. I think this feature would be useful mainly for the following reasons:

(1) To share tricks with multiple users privately. Sharing tricks publicly is NOT an option.

(2) To share coupons that allow only a few number of redemptions with multiple users privately

(3) To share urgent, but confidential, information with multiple users privately

Obviously, I can’t make this utility available for everyone to avoid massive spamming. But I think I can make this utility available to a few users based on their rank or account age. This utility would be rate-limited because of restrictions imposed by the API. Non-selected users, including newbies, can send their message to their preferred “selected users”, who in turn can use their discretion to either forward the message to the list of users provided by the original sender or to reprimand the “non-selected user” for trying to bulk-send bogus/irrelevant information.

Can you please take this short poll and let me know your opinion? (Google Form)

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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DealSeeker wrote:

I am thinking of creating another utility to allow a select few users to send PM to multiple users in a single click. I think this feature would be useful mainly for the following reasons:

(1) To share tricks with multiple users privately. Sharing tricks publicly is NOT an option.

(2) To share coupons that allow only a few number of redemptions with multiple users privately

(3) To share urgent, but confidential, information with multiple users privately

Obviously, I can’t make this utility available for everyone to avoid massive spamming. But I think I can make this utility available to a few users based on their rank or account age. This utility would be rate-limited because of restrictions imposed by the API. Non-selected users can send their message to their preferred “selected users”, who in turn can use their discretion to either forward the message to the list of users provided by the original sender or to reprimand the “non-selected user” for trying to bulk-send bogus/irrelevant information.

Can you please take this short poll and let me know your opinion? (Google Form)

Wow great idea !

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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Amolverma.6 wrote:
Wow great idea !

Thanks! Please submit your vote in the poll.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@DealSeeker wrote:@

I am thinking of creating another utility to allow a select few users to send PM to multiple users in a single click.

I am in. I know from my recent "Paytm Unver" experience that this utility would have saved me a lot of hours smile . Voted..
Perfectionist Perfectionist
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There are very few votes for this idea. Please vote if you think I should spend my time and effort to create a utility for sending PM to multiple users in a single click.

Helpful Helpful
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PM me to multiple users in single click?
I hope that doesn’t lead to spam

Deal Major Deal Major
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@DealSeeker wrote:@

There are very few votes for this idea. Please vote if you think I should spend my time and effort to create a utility for sending PM to multiple users in a single click.

Done LdBJH
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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What is the guarantee in your utility that you wont have access to our messages or credentials. May be now you have presented one which doesnt allow you access but later due to some reasons if you modify the same and acces them,then whats the guarantee.
Ps→ everyone have their personal opinion..
Plus i personally cant trust someone whose just 5months old to the forum.
I would prefer taking screen shots than this.

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@Luckp@nda wrote:@
What is the guarantee in your utility that you wont have access to our messages or credentials. May be now you have presented one which doesnt allow you access but later due to some reasons if you modify the same and acces them,then whats the guarantee.
Ps→ everyone have their personal opinion..
Plus i personally cant trust someone whose just 5months old to the forum.
I would prefer taking screen shots than this.

I wish you had raised your questions/apprehensions earlier, when you first commented on this thread. Anyway, the only guarantee in life is death. You either choose to trust me, like you trust DD mods/admins, or you don’t. I can only offer my words and my actions here as proof of my character. Keep in mind that I have made my intentions clear about this issue from the get-go.

3. Your credentials or messages are neither stored nor logged. I have designed the webapp so that I can not see your messages or passwords even if I wanted to.

There was no need for that PS. If I were in your position, I would not have trusted somebody with my private messages or credentials either. But I would not have waited for 3 days to get a clarification or used an insulting tone to clarify my doubts. Everyone has a right to their opinions. But one always has a choice to express their opinions nicely.

Anyway, one possible solution for you might be to manually copy/capture your PMs with sensitive information and use the utility to bulk download the rest. Hope this will be a middle-ground approach for you and other people who are sitting on the sidelines. As for your concerns about the credentials, admin is in the process of modifying the DesiDime API so that users would be redirected to DesiDime for login and then taken back to 3rd party sites like mine. In this to-be-implemented login flow, user credentials will not pass through 3rd party servers like mine. You can choose to wait until this feature is implemented. Or, you may choose to never trust me and avoid the utilities forever. Either way, it’s your choice.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Who trusts admins and mods now a days..???
Except some good mods like @nofpd , @Beinghuman etc…

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@DealSeeker The real Truth of life is nobody does anything for others freely even if he does he has some intention behind it.
From yours i can guess either you are trying hard to prove admin that am a good developer and add me to your team.
Or you are doing this for someother intention.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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A quote for you

It’s good to be selfish. But not so self-centered that you never listen to other people.

Hugh Hefner

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@Luckp@nda wrote:@
A quote for you

It’s good to be selfish. But not so self-centered that you never listen to other people.

Hugh Hefner

How appropriate!

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@Luckp@nda wrote:@
@DealSeeker The real Truth of life is nobody does anything for others freely even if he does he has some intention behind it.
From yours i can guess either you are trying hard to prove admin that am a good developer and add me to your team.
Or you are doing this for someother intention.

Ignoring the grammatical errors that make it hard to understand your intended meaning, I agree that nobody does anything without consciously or sub-consciously expecting something in return. When people do something for the benefit of others without getting any financial gains, they gain happiness and goodwill from others. Helping others and giving selflessly makes us happy — it’s a scientific fact.

If I wanted to “prove” to anyone that I am a “good developer”, I would have posted a link to my github profile that would have shown my advanced-level open source contributions. But I will not do that because I care about my privacy here. This utility is too basic to show my coding competencies. By the way, I run an IT business where I actually manage a few developers so my days of doing development for money are long over. Moreover, even if @admin wanted to offer me a job, he would probably not be able to afford me as a developer.

You can not comprehend my intentions for participating in this forum because you are way too young and/or immature. I am termed as an HNI by most of my banks, but I still enjoy Mobikwik’s #MarchMadness offers. And it’s not because I am a miser. I bet you can’t comprehend this either! And I don’t care enough to explain my reasons to you.

Now stop trying to derail this thread to get back at me for your earlier embarrassments. You can send me a PM if you feel the need to respond.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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DealSeeker wrote:

Now stop trying to derail this thread to get back at me for your earlier embarrassments. You can send me a PM if you feel the need to respond.

Regarding the thread mentioned in your comment, i guess till date you have not replied to my post their regarding the skill and luck .Which proves you were embarrassed not me.

Sorry Grandpa i will not argue with you next time ,since from your previous comments you are proving that you are quite mature and aged.

These are last few moments of your life.Enjoy them without any arguments and fights .Have a happy ending.Just keep this number 102 in your phone directory you might need it soon.

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@Luckp@nda wrote:@
DealSeeker wrote:

Now stop trying to derail this thread to get back at me for your earlier embarrassments. You can send me a PM if you feel the need to respond.

Regarding the thread mentioned in your comment, i guess till date you have not replied to my post their regarding the skill and luck .Which proves you were embarrassed not me.

Sorry Grandpa i will not argue with you next time ,since from your previous comments you are proving that you are quite mature and aged.

These are last few moments of your life.Enjoy them without any arguments and fights .Have a happy ending.Just keep this number 102 in your phone directory you might need it soon.

Kid, you better stick to your words this time! Because, if you don’t, I will register an official complaint with the admins against your idiotic comments.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Great effort Best of luck developing further ones!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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nice effort,, all the best with your initiative

Helpful Helpful
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VU for your affort to help other

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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DealSeeker wrote:
I am thinking of creating another utility to allow a select few users to send PM to multiple users in a single click. I think this feature would be useful mainly for the following reasons:

(1) To share tricks with multiple users privately. Sharing tricks publicly is NOT an option.

(2) To share coupons that allow only a few number of redemptions with multiple users privately

(3) To share urgent, but confidential, information with multiple users privately

Obviously, I can’t make this utility available for everyone to avoid massive spamming. But I think I can make this utility available to a few users based on their rank or account age. This utility would be rate-limited because of restrictions imposed by the API. Non-selected users, including newbies, can send their message to their preferred “selected users”, who in turn can use their discretion to either forward the message to the list of users provided by the original sender or to reprimand the “non-selected user” for trying to bulk-send bogus/irrelevant information.

Can you please take this short poll and let me know your opinion? (Google Form)

Very few people have shown any real interest in this utility. I have received feedback from only 7 users!

I think I will drop this idea because, clearly, not enough people think there is a need for such a utility.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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hey bro if you could create that utilitility i will be glad

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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hey bro if you could create that utilitility i will be glad

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Critic Critic
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@DealSeeker wrote:

Somebody has voted this thread down. Care to explain the reason? You can PM me or leave feedback anonymously using the Google Form if that’s better for you.

Now I guess I know who that noble man might be!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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This is just to bring my thoughts to the forum.
Want to share with everyone that although used sparingly in recent times, I have used the message archiving web app for a while now
and I find it extremely helpfully in what it is designed for.

to those who are also hoping an email alert facility, can you check if the (new) keyword alerts feature on-site and
the incoming e-mail alerts on SMS from e-mail providers be combined to have a cohesive mechanism for getting alerts?

[i am not being lazy. presently not in a position to do all that much (on DD or at my mail service provider end) . but places like the more popular google mailmostly do have that feature. i last tried google mail to sms alert only during launch of the same]

edit: never-mind. i got it mixed up. the incoming messages in DD. they never shoot an alert mail to the registered e-mail address. i think THAT was what was requested for somewhere above. but i do not know how an external agency (DS brother’s app) can have continuous access to one’s account to know of any new activity like incoming messages. [it would hypothetically require such app to have unlimited bandwidth of its own, wouldn’t it? if it is to be scalable for increasing users and thousands of PMs ]

DealSeeker wrote:

Thanks for the appreciation, guys!

I hope this turns out to be as useful as I think it is. I will feel better about the hours I put into developing this with every user who benefits from the PM download utility. Please do provide your feedback at the linked Google form.

DealSeeker महोदय .. facing issues using add-on (Mozilla),
thus unsure if your site or the google form submission went through. [had to disable the Firefox add-on eventually]

adding few thoughts here if okay?
I tried to contain my feelings or not be terse, but when you ask ‘why not’ to the ‘no’ in the poll for multi ping feature..

i still do not get, what knid of multiple users you find help worthy.
These kind :’( ?? >>

@imbecile wrote:
Bro i agreed with you
This is not necessary to give contribution by typing post. We already gave our contribuyion by register on dd and this is now

dd duty to fulfill their motive of giving deals

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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DealSeeker wrote:
…I would not have trusted somebody with my private messages or credentials either…

though i find it hilarious (or at-least funny) that people can be so enveloped in mere on-line activity/ sites that otherwise aren’t even half as important. (people meaning generally, not just dimers, just ‘people’)

(funny) to treat these at par with banking sites or personal e-mail sites.
except when sharing, say: addresses or other key identifiers via PM, there hardly is anything that remains/ or is a secret.

i think that this – ‘let DD pages verify our login’ via-media option would be appreciated by the ‘lakho ka karobar’ing traders who have a regular traffic in/ out of messaging. i guess depending on priorities and resource allocation/availability, now the metaphorical ball is in ⚾️⚾️Parity Labs’⚾️⚾️ court. [If and how it is done] ⚽⚽

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Bagpiper wrote:
Does it actually makes any difference to an elephant or to his health/attitude if a dog a cpl of dogs a group of dogs bark seeing him passing by.. ??

This is a highly appreciated step from u and i/we/ praise this effort of urs to take a step forward to think about others and making it convenient for dimers like us !


@Amolverma.6 wrote:

Spending time and energy for others that too with none of his profit but for others
Work appreciated Vu! +Kg

i think trying to plus both of you/your comments is turning very difficult due to DesiD redirecting
but indeed the first thoughts that crossed my mind too.

although, DealSeeker (or others in similar shoes) are driven by this crazy passion (do not know the correct term for junoon)

to do things for creative satisfaction.

That they do it all without even looking at the transactional element is a really great thing. Salut !
[transactional element as in: what is in it for me. hum ko kya milega, hum ko kya karna iss sei is not how such folks think]

i do not know of the exact history which Achilles often mentions, but i think he speaks of @dealvolution often who too shared stuff for the joy of it.

ajayshivaa , Bohra , SWEET_WI$H , ankurjpr started out on what can be called the precursor of deal alerts and channels that Desidime eventually ‘had to’ bring-in as a feature. and immaterial of the fact that some/all of them remained unassuming (and would say we just did it for the sakes), they DID put a lot of their own time and energies to the respective endeavours recurringly.

so yes, it is great to see DealSeeker burn his fingers on-to uncharted territory .

DealSeeker, we hope that your joy and passion of creative exploration remains intact

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@no fpd wrote:

great job bro…!!! I request the admin to give u proper appreciation for this wonderful job. simply awesome.

Dada sleep walking tou suna tha. sleep diming ¿ ☜☜tap/ click the tongueout smiley ☜☜

Neend mei likh diya ya sach mei koi umeed hai/thi !!
[reminds me of (actor) Pran’s dialogue towards Amitabh: iss DD par naye aaye ho inispactar no fpd sahab?]

cc: @d3xt3r [though I agree to DS when he says Parity will be committed to the hilt to keep this initiative (site/forum) floating well. I do agree that the visible gaps and potholes are often being catered to by others.]

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@dealseeker bro u are always helpful in personal too and towards community as well vu and kg for ur contribution

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