UK Declares ‘Heatwave’ At 26-Degree Celsius, Indians Call It Their ‘Default AC Temperature’


Indians react to UK's heatwave alert at 26°C: 'My AC is currently set at UK heatwave level'😀

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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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After 100 years , Indians will gain same immunity as Cockroaches. 😁😁😁.


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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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My AC is always set at 'UK Heatwave' +1!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Why you guys are reacting like a child and making a joke it. 

Do you even know at what temp they live normally and impact of change from their normal temp to 26°. 

Remain calm and let's see what steps they take to control these global crisis of environment change. 

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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You are being way too serious bhai. Staying in India, we can't even do much about our own heatwave, so joking is a healthy habit , we are not in a conference of environmentalists.

Its not like everyone here is naive and don't know that it's a serious issue , but what's the harm in being light when you can't do much about the issue 

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