Twitter/X premium subscription

Deal Cadet

does any body uses twitter subscription model i can people getting payout today on twitter and it is a great investment if you are active and have a good reach , what's your call on this dimers.

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Since you used the word 'investment'

this is also how ponzi schemes (not saying that pyramid schemes like tupperware scamway questnet swadeshi are it ;-)), passionpreneurs (Dev Gadhvi Creations Private Limited) and others entrap members/victims.

Some of the 'great' investment options with exponential returns (say: option trading, blockchain, NFT, funnel) too started off by appearing too lucrative and 'easy money'.

The time, efforts, money and other resources can be better 'invested' elsewhere.
Obviously for those whose capabilities do not stretch much beyond being an 'influencer', doing collabs to make a living or pushing affiliated content (in lieu of commissions)
it might seem like a viable option in the long run.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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