(trick) aadhaar slot booking
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hello dimers, here i am sharing a trick related to aadhaar slot booking.
this topic is related to aadhaar slot booking for new enrollment, update/correction. recently i have successfully linked my mobile number to my aadhaar card, so i am highligting the linking processing.
nowadays, linking our mobile number to our aadhaar card is becoming important thing day by day. to link a mobile number to the aadhaar card for the first time we must visit the nearest aadhaar center. no documents are required to link the mobile number to the aadhaar card. all you have to do is fill the application form with the main details like name, mobile number and signature and give the form to the officer. If you want to save some time at the aadhaar center, print out this form available on the Aadhaar Official Website and fill it with your details. form link:- https://uidai.gov.in/images/aadhaar_enrolment_c...
carry the form along with you to the aadhaar center and give it to the officer.
every aadhaar center has a limit of 30, 40 and 50 aadhaar services per day. have you hear the word “aadhar slot booking”. there will be a limit like 30 slots, 40 slots, 50 slots. It costs one slot to provide aadhaar service to one person. for example, if a particular aadhaar center has 30 aadhaar slots per day, only 30 people will be able to avail aadhaar services at that center in a day.
we can book the slot of the any nearest Aadhaar center on the aadhaar website. also there is no charges for slot booking. (it will be good if you watch slot booking related videos on youtube before booking your slot on aadhaar website) aadhaar slot booking link:- http://ask.uidai.g...n/
the main problem we encounter while booking aadhaar slot was “Information on availability of Aadhaar slots”. it is not possible to know whether the slot is available at the nearest aadhaar center without generating appointment ID by submitting all the required details at the time of booking. in my case, i filled all my details and got an appointment id. lastly when booking the slot I was stunned to see that at least one slot was not available at the nearest aadhaar centers. my appointment ID has also been removed after some days.
A few days later I found a trick to solve this problem. by following this trick you can find out whether slots are available at the nearest aadhaar centers without having to generate an appointment ID.
simply login with your mobile number on the aadhaar slot booking page:- https://ask.uidai....in
then turn on location on your device. now open this page to get nearest aadhaar centers lists:- https://ask.uidai.gov.in/#/search-...er
(after loading this page we should enter our pincode number for getting complete list. “aadhaar centers lists depending on device location” feature is not working perfectly. so entering pincode is must. but enabling device location is also important to load the page properly)
Now we can see available slots at the nearest aadhaar centers by selecting center’s addresses one by one. if you see any available slots, then close that page and start the process from login step and start generating appointment id by submitting all the required details. after that, simply link your appointment id to the available slot.
after successful slot booking, we will get a pdf file that contains 3 pages. the pdf file comes with our details such as name, mobile number, time slot information, etc.. so we have to printout that pdf file and carry that along with us while going to aadhaar center. don’t forget original copy of aadhaar too.
i hope this information is useful to you. this way you can easily get your aadhaar slot and get your work done…
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i tried it just now.. and i checked “enrollment center” option.. but available slots are not displaying.. only aadhaar center’s addresses & location details are coming..
that much long msg
p.s- giving kg+ for doing 20min hard work in typing this msg
thanks kg+ for you too.
Nice info. Vu
Updated adhaar recently without appointment queue was small just had to wait 5 mins
which city
while trying to book online appointment – mobile number update – when i click proceed it shows me blank mobile number box so which number to enter old or new / send OTP
it also shows enter Captcha / save and proceed
after Aadhaar update is done do they send new printed NON PVC card on address by post
no bro.. they will not send. if we want that then we have to make aadhaar reprint request on aadhaar site..
Charges for new card request is ₹50 I guess ❓
thats for PVC laminated 50 including GST and speed post
I really don’t understand why there are so limited slots. Why is Govt. Trying to create such fake demand for adhaar related works? Recently I went to post office to update my father’s no. They gave me slot after 6 months.
omg, 6 months is really too long interval.. all aadhaar centers in our town are distributing their tokens that only sufficient for one or two months. the reason behind the people queuing up for the aadhaar update is the regulations of the government schemes. nowadays almost every scheme is coming with aadhaar related rules such as “otp based ration works only for those who successfully link their aadhaar card with their mobile number” & “bima applicable only for those who link their bank account to their aadhaar card”
Just see how many new registrations/updates are happening at Authorized centres( Banks & PO’s) in last 30 days.Then plan accordingly.
I went to 2 banks at my location & the crowd is huge.So I went to nearest PO but they said slots are over as its already 2PM. Asked me to come by 8:30AM next day..but I went at 9AM & got lucky to get 24th/25 tokens allocated.They told to come by 12:00PM but I went at 1PM & returned to home by 1:30PM after updates completion.
You might be wondering why I’m late ..I assessed the situation after staying there for 10mins in morning.Multiple members from same family are doing new registrations (kids included)
Tip: Don’t go before/after official public holidays.
received the non pvc card today after 12-15 days of update
What documents we need to submit for adding our mobile number?
No documents are required to adding/updating mobile number for Aadhaar Card. Just go to nearest Aadhaar center, fill a application form for changes/correction. Your biometric will taken to verify the Aadhaar. Number will be updated in 2-3 working days.
I got like 4 pages in pdf, but only 1st page seems like application form and rest 3 instructions. Do I need to print all 4 or just 1st page would be enough?
no docs needed for mobile number updation
what 4 pages you got
Bro, why cant i see any time slot booking info on the 3 page pdf i got
apotment book please