The Negotiating skills - Share yours

Negotiating is a skill, and while many people are experts at it, some, like me, are shy. I really don't get along with bargaining thing which sometimes makes me feel duped..

So, what are your go-to lines/tricks to bargain?

Note: I don't prefer negotiating with small-time vendors, except for those who are unreasonable and try to engage in unfair trade practices
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Benevolent Benevolent
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dress poorly.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Non-existent smile.

I just pay whatever is being asked.

I will at rare times ask, why are you telling me this much?

They will probably say something completely ridiculous(we both know it).

I will pay them anyway. Just another shy boy.

Generous Generous
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Never ever did bargaining in my cases.

Got cheapest price always.

I follow my father skills/ Tactics/ Tricks.

You can follow mine.

1. Try price in the market from 5-10 offline Shops/ Vendors.Remember every quotation and compare & then buy

2. Search & look for wholesale dealer in every category ( Super Mart/ Big suppliers.)

3. Prefer 75% Online purchase only.

4. Never show urgency. Wait for it.

5.After asking the price it's not necessary to buy, Just leave from there.

6. Do not buy from Isolated Places/ Beaches/ Walking Vendors/ Deserts/ Forests/ Tourist Places/ Monopoly Buisness Places/ Remote Locations/ Airports/ Railway Stations.

7. Do not ask particular item or brand or do not show too much interest/excitement i.e. if I have to buy Grapes I never ask grapes price in the first go. I ask price for Banana, Papaya then randomly ask Grapes.
8. Buy from center of the city not outer places.
9. Look for competitive price marketplaces.
10.Get an estimate idea of the price from Online beforehand.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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dress poorly.

Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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That would be lesson no. 1.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Non-existent smile.

I just pay whatever is being asked.

I will at rare times ask, why are you telling me this much?

They will probably say something completely ridiculous(we both know it).

I will pay them anyway. Just another shy boy.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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True. I am kind of the same. That's why I prefer online shopping no need to bargain sweat_smile

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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As an Indian, its our constitutional right to bargain

Yes I do that at most of places

Commentator Commentator
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unfortunately, most of the folks bargain by only barking 😃 at the local vegetable shops/roadside shops and remain quiet at bars and government offices 
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Cool Cool
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My go-to line, Kya bhaiya har bar aap hi ke pass se le jate h. joy

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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itne me dena hai toh do, varna rehne do.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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This issue is prevalent in everyone. 

You will learn by Time automatically.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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From where I see things, spousal relations, professional (workplace) equations and sometimes navigating the bureaucracy are some of THE toughest!

First 18-20 years with one's life-partner.. are especially the key to building strong trust, bonds.
And I put it right up top in the difficulty ladder because it is one of THE MOST dynamic yet lasting relations of all and in which the formative years are the key.

From a man's perspective.. it requires a lot of care and respect for boundaries, appreciating things the way they are
from the lady's perspective.. there is a lot of 'let go', not sulking aka lot of compromising (not holding grudges) and pouring in to mend the what it often takes.>br>
I am not saying that the men ought not to pour in. But that the house becomes a 'home' mainly on the ahoulders of the women folk.
Even if the men remain the same after marriage or do not buckle enough and do not pour in.. the womenfolk can still save the household from falling apart.
THAT power (and by default the 'burden') rests with them.

In employer-employee relationships, negotiating can become more fruitful if one steps into the shoes of the other to gauge their perspective.
Obviously easier said than done, now in the cut-throat corporate setting where one gets treated as a disposable pawn, in the larger game.. and often some outsourced recruiters are ALL whom one gets to talk to/ negotiate with.

Negotiating in professional life (say with prospects or clients) has been an evolving experience for me. As in, over time.. i have become more laid back yet assertive and thereafter leave the ball in the other party's court.
Obviously hard choices have to be made. Sometimes there is heartburn over letting go a client that could have been a trophy client (to show to others as a testimonial) or letting go a colleague/staffer for a greater good.

Personal bonds.. building personal bonds has helped me in negotiating and outside of it too.
Like, not to flex, but I have had my own staff feel confident enough and trusting enough to approach me prior to taking up opportunities outside India and seeking advice on upcoming selection process for the same.

Such relationships go BEYOND the realm of a simple employee-employer one.
They understand, realise that the other party (in this case, me) would be there in the personal capacity of a mentor too. And that they would give guidance to the best of their ability.
And that is what I have tried to achieve. If the other person has a better shot at expanding their vision, spreading their wings as an expatriate on a 24-25 month assignment in some other region too.. i would not misguide the on it, nor want to restrain them.

Bureaucracy and politicians are one lot. negotiating with whom I am a total failure at. Then again, I would actually not know as I gave u0 on it and avoid every opportunity to do so or be part of any team that has to.. in over a decade and a half now.

But I think (apart from or despite the corruption, lobbying/bribing) the obvious ones here (to succeed) are
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏really high perseverance
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ patience: lots of it.
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ tact, diplomacy
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ thick skin and/or less ego
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ the ability to not crumple under pressure
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‣‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ persistence (even if shameless one at times).

With shopkeepers and purchasing stuff in daily life.. i am no longer anything worth writing home about.
In my younger days or when time was not as much of a scarce resource (for me).. my 'go to' negotiation techniques often was ro 'beg' till eventually sometimes/oftentimes the other party relented.
If the 'please give it at Z' or the 'please agree to these terms' did not work by themselves.. would often lowball them with an offer/quote from others and try to tire them out.

Sometimes it succeeded and sometimes the other party stood their ground.

Now at-least for tidbits or groceries shopping, I have become slightly more like my pops and do not really bargain.

If the other person is reasonable and receptive.. then sometimes I consider negotiating for things like AC service or fresh produce from original farmers or their dealer who is helping the farmers by selling the produce.

I rarely visit fkea markets now and I NEVER really negotiate with cabbies or tuktuk guys.
Most of them are arrogant and those who are not (arrogant) often have such sob stories to tell.. that listening to their hardships.. i often end up paying them even more than whatever was their first offer.
Like literally someone first quotes N bucks and I negotiate it down to N×80&.
But later I guilt-trip myself so much that I end up paying the cabbie N×110%!

I never visited women of the night or used their services. But once had a difficult choice to make. The decision between letting a close acquaintance go all alone to a 'dance bar' versus being around to watch over the idiot and bringing him back alive and safe.
Other things aside, I ended up listening to the (real/fake) sob story of a dancer and took hee relatives contact details, so that I could pay some money to them OUTSIDE THE BAR.. because any money exchanging hands in that premises was s7 jeet to a 30-40% cut (the bar owners keep a lot if it).
So as a principle, I now prefer staying away from sob stories now, as I am a sucker who melts too soon.
Now if some staffer wants to go even on a week long leave, I usually am not the one to ask the reason why.
(Once I paid for the too and from flight for someone for them to be able to attend the funeral of the parent and then come back too with least travel time.)
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I am not sharing the skill but an incident where my father used his negotiation skills to the best. 

My grandfather was kidnapped and Kidnappers asked for 50 lacs as Ransom amount. My father started negotiation from 20 thousand and closed the deal at 3 lacs and my grandfather was very proud of my father on coming back home safely.

Commentator Commentator
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real story or from any comedy movie as we have a similar scene in a tamil comedy movie 😃
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Generous Generous
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Never ever did bargaining in my cases.

Got cheapest price always.

I follow my father skills/ Tactics/ Tricks.

You can follow mine.

1. Try price in the market from 5-10 offline Shops/ Vendors.Remember every quotation and compare & then buy

2. Search & look for wholesale dealer in every category ( Super Mart/ Big suppliers.)

3. Prefer 75% Online purchase only.

4. Never show urgency. Wait for it.

5.After asking the price it's not necessary to buy, Just leave from there.

6. Do not buy from Isolated Places/ Beaches/ Walking Vendors/ Deserts/ Forests/ Tourist Places/ Monopoly Buisness Places/ Remote Locations/ Airports/ Railway Stations.

7. Do not ask particular item or brand or do not show too much interest/excitement i.e. if I have to buy Grapes I never ask grapes price in the first go. I ask price for Banana, Papaya then randomly ask Grapes.
8. Buy from center of the city not outer places.
9. Look for competitive price marketplaces.
10.Get an estimate idea of the price from Online beforehand.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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My story

Fruit Vendor: 100rs for 4 apples

Me: ok, let me pick 4

After choosing 4, FV says you can take 2 more as you didn't bargain.

Now I go to the same vendor, whatever his price as i am not good at negotiating.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Same, preference to certain sellers/shops because they were nice blush

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Rone lga jao bhai

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