spends done on the billing date

The PostMighty
If I make some purchase/spend on the billing date, will it get included in the current statement cycle or next cycle? Is it same for all credit cards? 
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Generous Generous
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Mostly banks has settlement time of 2 days and until the transaction is not settled, it wont be billed. So in your case it will got to next statement as other dimers have also answered. 

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Next cycle. But if its upi spend, it wont take anytime to settle and will get billed in current cycle if bill is not generated by the time of txn.

The PostMighty The PostMighty
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So even if I pay use the card before 1 day of billing date, it will get billed next cycle right?

Analyst Analyst
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Sometimes not always. Amex includes all spends before bill generation date, rest dont. Thats my observation.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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next statement 

Budding Star Budding Star
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Next cycle

Same for all cards as transaction will show in statement only after settelment of transaction which is usually 2 days

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Transaction settlement takes time so 90% chance your spends on billing date will be included in next statement, but sometimes statement generation itself gets delayed and it gets included in current statement. Yes, All credit cards take time in transaction settlement.

Generous Generous
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Mostly banks has settlement time of 2 days and until the transaction is not settled, it wont be billed. So in your case it will got to next statement as other dimers have also answered. 

The PostMighty The PostMighty
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So even if I pay use the card before 1 day of billing date, it will get billed next cycle right?

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Next cycle. But if its upi spend, it wont take anytime to settle and will get billed in current cycle if bill is not generated by the time of txn.

Flame Flame
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UPI: Maybe current statement, as in many cases UPI gets billed instantly. 

But if it's normal CC payment with card number, then in next cycle. 

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