Swiggy/OneCard fraudulent transaction

Deal Cadet

Hello dimers - There was a transaction done on my dad's onecard. Three transaction whcih were done on Swiggy for an amount of 10k, 10k and 3k. For all these transaction he did get an otp but he didn't initiate the transaction nor he is aware of anyone who did this. He kept getting otp but he ignored it. Onecard is saying that it is an OTP authorized transcations and they can't do nothing about it. Have raised a complaint with the cyber cell as well. What should I do next?

Onecard is giving standard reply for any further query I type on this, It's been three days since this has happened. They said they can't do chargeback. When enquired about their risk assesment team to identify fraudulant transcation if to the same emrchant an unusual amount is done in a span of couple of minutes - They are just ignoring it.

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Top Comments
Hunk Hunk
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Did you got your phone repaired recently, any 3rd party software or mod apk your dad installed in last week or month. Let's investigate rater than blaming onecard

11 Dimers
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Swiggy 10k amount? What did scammer buy?

Deactivate international and wireless transaction immediately.

Dimer of The Year 2022 Dimer of The Year 2022
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Swiggy Gift Cards from Swiggy
Blaze Blaze
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Is onecard saved on swiggy? Swiggy app hacked or phone hacked!

Benevolent Benevolent
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Handset is compromised be careful about other cards better disable them or change mobile

Hunk Hunk
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Did you got your phone repaired recently, any 3rd party software or mod apk your dad installed in last week or month. Let's investigate rater than blaming onecard

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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I hope you reported this to cyber crime department.

Only they can help in this case

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Phone got pawned, stop using it immediately... also tell the user to stop accepting random video calls and clciking screen share etc...

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Onecard has option to pay through app by swiping notification, if OTP wasn't given thats the only way..

Generous Generous
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Legends says his father was right swiping on every transaction

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Card was saved on Swiggy?

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