Seeking Affordable CCTV Surveillance System after Recent Incidents :(

Deal Subedar

I am writing to share recent unfortunate incidents that have occurred outside my home. Regrettably, I have experienced thefts in quick succession, including the stealing of my bicycle, which was secured with a lock that was forcibly broken, and the removal of an outdoor tap that was installed for watering plants.

In light of these occurrences, I am now seeking a cost-effective solution to enhance the security of my property. After careful consideration, I believe investing in a budget-friendly CCTV surveillance system is essential to monitor any suspicious activities and deter potential intruders.

Ideally, I am looking for a surveillance camera setup that can provide live feeds directly to my smartphone, allowing me to keep a vigilant eye on my surroundings, even when I am away from home. If you have any recommendations or can assist me in finding suitable options within my budget, I would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance.

Thank you in advance

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I got this recently, looks good till now, if you have wifi at your home you can try this or any other wifi outdoor CCTV.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If you need a foolproof system, go for a wired installation. Budget should be decided based on the value of the asset you are trying to protect.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Sorry to know about your situation and loss of property too. Not everything has just financial value only. Some things have sentimental value too.

Many brands that were born in China and some of the desi brands too (who often import stuff) provide IoT devices for video surveillance too.

IP enabled camera and ones with rotation or tilt features.. along with average to above average low light enhancement (night vision) from these (large and officially present).Chinese brands and desi brands might start as low as 1600-1700₹ per camera (after offers) and high end models from good brands with proper build qualities might even be 4500-5000₹.

Many local brands or their franchisees even claim to provide turkey solutions too.
Zicom, I think, does. Not promoting any specific brands though. Just happened to meet someone who uses to work for industrial and commercial projects. He told us that it is a turkey project (meaning everything is done. Just like with a new vehicle purchase customer just has to turn the key to start. They took care of installations, calling and other requirements).

However in China, India or other poorer countries and with masses with high aspirations,
there is little hope with passive measures like these.
If I am dedicated, reasonably smart and fully made up my mind to make burglary my profession or if I am opportunistic, then forget passive cameras.. even active security (human) staff can do little to thwart the threats.

Speaking of human and non human,
dogs can still sometimes feel intimidated, threatened or otherwise have a fairly good sense of 'self preservation'

geese on the other hand😅 are too territorial and often care a dayum even in the face of pertinent danger.

especially if they are nesting and have babies or eggs to take care of. Similarly, maybe if imprinted by humans, the grown up geese might ☟similarly☟ protect (their non geese family) from what they perceive to be threats.

Unlike canines like dogs.. ☟these weirdos☟/thugs may not require specialised (and costly) shampoos, foods, fur care products either.

And after all this too, if someone steals the bib-cock, then mild admiration for the thief.
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