Science, Kids and mother tongue

Investor Guru

I was cleaning my almirah on my Maa’s request. It is a very old almirah. I have kept my childhood book collection there. I found a September, 1999 copy of Bigyana Prabha( Aura of Science). It was a science magazine. I was 9 year old back then. The backstory is I had already become an avid reader in my mother tongue, Odia(pronounced as Oh- Dia, not uska nor Oriya) by the year of 9. Whenever my father used to out of city to the capital of Odisha, Bhubaneswar for office work, I would demand him a good book. By that time I would read science books of my sisters( one is 7 years elder to me, another one is 5 years elder to me) to their dismay. And my father, on an eventful day, bought this for me. And it’s written in plain Odia. I have posted cover page of the book.
Below is a pic of the contents. Lemme translate it for you from the top to bottom in a serial manner.
Articles and writers of this edition
Subject writer page no
Eye Care
Sheep cloning and future of humanity
Complete Solar eclipse of 11/aug/99
World and galaxies
Science and Technology
Petroleum Industry
Mystery star of our universe
Earth in a map
Responsibility to keep water reservoir of Earth is in our hands
Bed bugs
Health and Science
Millennium’s last complete Solar eclipse
New flying machine Solotrek
Health Hazzards of cordless phone
Detection of cancer using waves
Magical healing ability of stem cell
Sea is found in moon of Saturn
Odisha’s Biotechnology Project
Advanced laparoscopy
A few words on pencil
Those topics are really advanced even on today’s standards. And thanks god it was written in my mother tongue, and I am privileged enough to be able to translate it in English.
So, I would request you to encourage kids to learn their mother tongue properly. More efforts should be made on writing science articles in mother tongue while maintaining quality. A 9 year old got inspired in 1999. I can vouch for him on the evolution of traits like adventure, scientific approach towards things, love for science and technology. 🙂
And teaching of science via mother tongue should be promoted. Because we learn our mother tongue since we are kids. It’s very easy to learn something in a known medium. Things because clear n precise.
I know several of you ll disagree with me on this. That’s why I chose political and social section.
I request you to actively participate with your kids while reading a book. Well if books are outdated then websites can do the job.
Happy reading guys.

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Investor Guru Investor Guru
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@Simbha3 @LIMBO did I do justice with the translation?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Thanks for this lovely write up.
I too have read many science books during childhood.
You reminded me my school libraries and librarians.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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A 9 year old got inspired in 1999. I can vouch for

him Bikidas2060
smile on the evolution of traits like adventure, scientific approach towards things, love for science and technology. 🙂

Investor Guru Investor Guru
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Yes bhai. smile

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