Sbi cc query

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Can we have both sbi simply click and Sbi cashback ?

I have simply click for instant sale discounts. Looking to apply for cashback card.
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Similar query if we apply for addon card then we will get same card or different card as per our choice ?

Benevolent Benevolent
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add on is same card, actually same variant as primary card but with different number so works in discount offers separately

Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Yes you can have both, but apply with gap of min 3 months between cc applications

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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one can have 3 variants of card from card issuer in case of SBI.

@kartikxxx will help you with referral and other benefits, he is Pro incase of SBI cashback as per my observation at platform

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Yes. Can have both. Apply for cb card atleast 6 months or a year.

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