Its delivered within 10 minutes to your mail id. Please check there.
It seems the topic has been moved to another forum and hence you were redirected.
Its delivered within 10 minutes to your mail id. Please check there.
How to redeem dines for amazon gift voucher ? I have 85 dimes . Please guide.
You are currently short . you need at least 200 dimes for first redemption
It gets delivered within 10 Minutes check all mails from DesiDime or check promotions/Spam Folder in Gmail
I have checked all mails, , can't they deliver again?
Thanks all of you for helping me, I have got the voucher
@Rosh_0007 @bumblefoot I have redeemed my dimes as well but didn't receive any email with the voucher
Request ID : 1722235700
@Rosh_0007 @bumblefoot I have redeemed my dimes as well but didn't receive any email with the voucher
Request ID : 1722235700