Recommend Credit card for Gold buying
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- Credit Card Name (Bank and Variant):
- Gold Purchase mode to get the offer ( Offline or Online) :
- Offer / Card Benefit ( Discount / Cashback / Rewards Points ) :
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With AGV load restrictions we can't pile much.
I also would like to apply for one more CC inorder to avail goil coin offers. At present I have HDFC, ICICI, Axis CCs. Kindly recommend one CC in which we can expect more offers.
VU+ for many to respond in this:)
if ur in to monthly payment gold scheme, then u can use amex Mrcc. can easily get more than 5% returns. I do the same.
Also some jewellers accept Amazon pay aswell in their website , u can use sbi cashback aswell in those cases.
In which company you are investing?
Please recommend such cards..
Will hdfc millenia cc provide cashback on offline gold purchase??
Get Up to Rs 25000 Amazon Voucher In Store (Offline) Purchase of Gold Silver Diamond Jewellery & Coins using AU Credit Card
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Which is the best card (credit or debit) for offline jewellery purchase?
Icici amazon pay credit card gives reward points for offline gold purchase i heard
and most of the debit card have low reward points but during offers debit cards are good (sbi debit card gives good reward points if any offer is going for gold events like akshayatritia )
If online, sbi cb card will work on amazon via gv.