[Query] Is there any God or is it just a big con to scare people since childhood?


Please discuss and help everyone understand as to who is a God, what is his realm, how does he works and what he wants and what are his powers? How does our beliefs in him help him in achieving his goals if any. Share your actual experiences if any. Please don’t bring/quote age old myths and unverified stories. Share something you know, not what your Parents, Grandparents, Superparents told you. Thanks

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Name: Thor
Realm: Asgard
Diet: As Asgardians, he’s not needed to consume food to live, their immortality and superhuman vitality comes from the Apples of Idunn
Goal: he’s the protector of the Nine realms and midgard happens to be one of them. so it’s safe to assume he wants to protect us

Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, endurance & resistance to injury, virtually immortal, Wields the enchanted Uru-forged hammer Mjolnir, which grants mastery over the elements of thunder & lightning, as well as the ability to fly & open interdimensional gateways.

Our belief doesn’t not benefit him in any way, but his producers need to make their living
I last saw him in endgame, right before he flew with morons

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Seems quite legit! 🤩

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Brother, God Himself is the product of age old myths and unverified stories. How could you expect others to prove that without these falsified evidences?

The only guy who has actual experiences with God is the same guy who shares similar experiences with ghosts. Let’s wait for any such!

Investor Guru Investor Guru
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Well my opinion will be kinda different and weird. I see a lot of civilizations both who are lost in the memory lane, and modern ones. I see one common thing, regardless the fact that whether that civilization was brutal or civil. They all believed/ believe in God. Well, their versions of Gods vary from grotesque to really merciful. smile
It is a very weird thing to say. But most of those civilizations believed in afterlives/ karma and stuff. In my opinion, when we die, we die. Our lives are not our personal property. We die/born/achieve, whatever we do/ whatever happen to us, it affects everyone around us. It gives people pleasure/ fun/ irritation etc. Even this paragraph being read by someone gonna affect that person. It often amazes me to see timelines of major civilizations. Augustus (first) was emperor of Roman empire in 27BC(Wikipedia Knowledge) and Constantine XI was its last emperor(1453). Mayan civilization dates back to 2000BC to 1697AD(Until Spanish Inquisition). We, our own civilization dates back to atavistic times. So many years. SO many memories. So many documents, stone writings, paintings, tools and rise and fall, destruction and creation. But humanity continued to flourish. Not all of us. I mean those who tried to keep contact with the outsiders or made to contact by force got perished or flourished. Yeah. And those who could not, like those forest dwellers, are sitting 100s of years back in time. May be, may be, God is a concept followed by everyone to keep us humble. It is a reminder to make us accountable and responsible. And it is a remainder that how fragile and evanescent one human life can be.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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More than God, I believe in Karma smiling_imp

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