Petrol has almost touched Rs.90/ltr, a day when petrol prices go to a triple digit doesn't seem far #BadRecordsKeepGettingBroken

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Deal Captain

Fuel prices are a a new high since mid-August.

This past week:
Petrol prices in New Delhi was Rs 81.63/l & Rs 89.01/l in Mumbai.
Diesel prices in Delhi was Rs 73.54/l & Rs 78.07/l in Mumbai.

BJP President on Sunday said the international developments + value of rupee going down is the reason for rising petrol and diesel prices. There was an assurance made that the Centre will soon come out with a solution, but Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday ruled out immediate pride drop on fuel prices, he said that "the government would stick to its capital expenditure targets for achieving a higher trajectory of growth while maintaining the “budgeted 3.3 per cent fiscal deficit target in the current year.”

It will always be a debatable point whether development is worth the increasing hardships endured by citizens over the past few years and even though we accept it out of not having a choice or out of hopefulness for a better future, is the result really there, what can be done about this.. your views guys?

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