paytm hold ₹4400 since 8 days without any reason

Shopping Friend
Initiate UPI transaction on 1st feb 2024 of Rs 4400 to my cousin via Paytm payment bank, then amount deducted and pending status show, after few hours,status shows successful but amount not credited in cousin's account, next day amount credited back in my paytm payment bank account with hold amount of ₹4400,upi status shows failed now. Then i raised ticket on 5 feb after 3-4 days to unhold my money but no reply from customer care... please share your views for next step to get my money back.
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tactics from company to built pressure on government to defer timeline of closure of operations 29.2.2024.

most possibly they want to extend timelines till next elected govt comes into power and make them free from all mess.

Generous Generous
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past , present , future will be same naa ?
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Generous Generous
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I will suggest you to wait for a few days. (Working Days 😄)

They will rectify it.

BTW, your title is misleading. They haven't kept it on the hold without any reason. It's on hold due to operational/technical error.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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But their customer care not even replying anything regarding ticket created,9-10 days gone already. Now ,day before yesterday tweeted @paytm bank care, today reply received 'we are working on this issue', UPi reversal takes 2 working days and if technical fault then they don't have the right to hold my money since 10 days without giving resolution timeframe?

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After ensuring that beneficiary not received the amount, they will release it.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Hmm...Waiting for release/unhold....few minutes before twitter paytm support replied that give us 3 more working days until update from NPCI . Ok but still they don't reply a single message on Paytm app where ticket created. Most of the customers don't know about twitter paytm care support... Today raised complaint on NPCI also about this issue.
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