Online Safety Info - do’s and don’ts


  • Bank employees never ask for any KYC details, OTP, Debit Card PIN, or CVV over the phone.
  • Don’t share your KYC details, such as PAN details or date of birth, with anyone over the phone.
  • Check the authenticity of the mobile number.
  • Do not blindly trust your caller ID.
  • Do not fall prey to any mobile number change requests. Axis Bank employees never ask to update your mobile number.
  • Don’t entertain refund-related calls or emails before verifying their authenticity.
  • Always check the company’s official website to get the call center numbers.
  • Do not download third-party applications like Any Desk, TeamViewer, or Quick Support.
  • If someone has fraudulently withdrawn money from your bank account, notify your bank immediately!
  • Do not share your card details (like card number, CVV, expiry date, OTP, etc.) with anyone. Do not enter your card details on any suspicious link received via SMS/Email/Whatsapp.
  • Always refer to the official website and application app for any card-related information.
  • Change your password and PIN regularly.
  • Avoid dialing 401. It risks forwarding your calls and messages to another number.
  • Ignore the messages and do not click on any links or transaction requests. Avoid calling unknown numbers.Report suspicious Email/SMS/Phone calls immediately on respective bank / site
  • Report any frauds immediately to the National Cyber Crime portal ( or call the helpline - 1930.
Top Comments
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Comrade Comrade
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This one is less circulated "Do not blindly trust your caller ID" we started to trust caller id unknowingly.

Benevolent Benevolent
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Stop using truecaller if possible u'll automatically get less spam calls wink

Benevolent Benevolent
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Better use the indigenous Naam app instead of Truecaller. With the introduction of TRAI's CNAP (Calling Name Presentation) all these caller ID apps going to become obsolete soon anyway. @sherlock @kiki1988

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Comrade Comrade
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This one is less circulated "Do not blindly trust your caller ID" we started to trust caller id unknowingly.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Axis Bank branch employee asks card number for only credit card customers to process any service request.

Comrade Comrade
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Full card numbers scream

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Flame Flame
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Don’t share your KYC details, such as PAN details or date of birth, with anyone over the phone.

A lot of people have asked me for DOB to verify that I am the account holder. No one asked for PAN till now. 

Check the authenticity of the mobile number.

How to check that, apart from blindly trusting caller ID. 

Comrade Comrade
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Can check with multiple caller id providers. On websites of the respective company.

Benevolent Benevolent
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Stop using truecaller if possible u'll automatically get less spam calls wink

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Is that si?
(Not a truecaller user)

I often get told that your name and photo shown on it are different. I am like I do not know, I do not use.

May be one of the numbers was previously with someone who used that software.

I wonder how us using or not using matters, considering it skims our data from the devices or others WITHOUT OUR CONSENT.
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Patron Patron
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I denied sharing my KYC details and now they are not allowing me to transact sob

It was a bank employee who was asking to do KYC sweat sweat

Benevolent Benevolent
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Once mom got call from someone saying our lpg distribution got changed so need to go to new office to do kyc thing

First I also thought it's some new scam, but then thought let's check online portal, and to my surprise it's actually changed without even asking us not fair joy

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Patron Patron
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@Jarvis.-. True...

Its been 3 weeks I have uninstalled Trucaller and spam calls are reduced greatly

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Really. It worked?

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Good info

Benevolent Benevolent
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Better use the indigenous Naam app instead of Truecaller. With the introduction of TRAI's CNAP (Calling Name Presentation) all these caller ID apps going to become obsolete soon anyway. @sherlock @kiki1988

Comrade Comrade
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I am ok with web version number search feature, but Its asking for mail and mobile number to search . I dont have spare mobile number. Many permission also required for app. Can we skip mobile number  ?

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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First in online dont look for easy way:) look at the hard ways to access any service then you will be 99% of the time safe:) its the easy way of accessing that gets you trapped  by scammer xDD 

Comrade Comrade
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Dreaming of owning a franchise?🏢

But if you submit your details on these sites,

you can get duped by paying a huge price!📉 sob

Fraudsters create landing pages that mimic popular brands' franchise portals. After you submit your details, they pose as company representatives man🏻💼, lure you into making multiple payments💸, and disappear, leaving you with no money fearful.


🟢 Always double-check the legitimacy of a website before submitting any personal or financial details.


🔴 Don't make upfront payments, especially during the initial stages of franchise inquiries.

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