Nirbhaya Rapists' hanging schedule gets another halt, court postpones it until further orders

Investor Guru

Mercy petition of one convict is still pending, so, executions of other convicts get halted too.
Why court is allowing convicts these things is beyond my comprehension. They raped n disembowelled that girl, with the company of that juvenile. Now they want their mercy petition to be heard. They were heard, no? Come on.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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She suffered for few days – Her parents suffering for life cry
In fact this uncertainty on death must be giving the convicts a hard time – they must be dying with tension – a effective punishment than hanging
But in our country hanging preferred as they can come out on bail any time if not on death row like Jessica Lal killers
May God give peace and strength to her parents!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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New date, 3rd march.
I wish they are hanged in public view, at same place where commited their crime.

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