Need decibel level for front load washing machine during spin cycle

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I am trying to compare my front load spin cycle decibel level with other front load washing machines. I think mine is not normal at 74db.

So I am looking for decibel levels from other front load owners during the spin cycle. I have set the following points so that all readings are normalized.
1. Readings taken with Sound Meter from Abc Apps
2. If the washing machine allows setting RPM manually, set it to 1000
3. Decibel readings with normal load of clothes during regular washing, but in spin cycle only
4. Decibel reading with the phone back touching flat with the washing machine body

During regular washing, whenever the spin cycle starts, launch the above mentioned app and touch the phone to the washing machine body for 5 seconds, that's it. I would like the readings from dimers, if its not too much work for you.

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