magnetic levitation trains (future of M.R.T. in India)

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Deal Newbie
Maglev trains (how would mass rapid transport with India shape up in the next 3-4 decades?)

For local (India/ desi) application, what could be possible complications for having more magnetic levitation (maglev) trains?

So watching this recently, I was again reminded of how it is energy efficient and nay also need less maintenance (for the carriages)
to eventually replace some of the medium distance conventional tracks or let them be but also have maglevs.

But in a region where sabotage, trespassing are often not even seen aa heinous crimes

what are the practical challenges in having them?

Obviously it is not like China, Japan, Germany would have zero risks od sabotage.
And I do not know about China (where government can still threaten enough and punishments can act as deterrence but Japan, European countries (besides China) successfully REGULARLY operate Shinkansen type fast trains.

Indian Railways is one of the biggest employers and operates across most diverse and complicated terrain

so neither technical know-how, right manpower nor resources alone can be the hurdle.
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