Issue with CloudTail seller
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As we know Amazon is e-commerce store to buy goods. The problem lies there is that the major seller CloudTail and CloudTail India are selling some of the returned and damaged product to customers on new orders.
As I purchased a stabilizer which comes under electricals category, and before buying I was checking the same product and it’s seller’s. There was no CloudTail available. But suddenly after 2 days of seeing the product, CloudTail was selling the same stabilizer.
Many people who had purchased the same stabilizer complained that it arrived as dented and damaged (in reviews). So I decided to buy one, but after I opened the box to my astonishment it was a returned product as it was dented and damaged as shown by one of the customer on that product in the review section.
So please beware of CloudTail as they may ship and pack a returned product also.