flipkart sells mostly fake according to review,better get offline
iphone 20w charger adaptor from Amazon/Flipkart
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buy any GaN charger which will be fine like these
Using D link gan charger works fine
Bought one from FLipkart and got Original one.
@NobiNobita -- Why you intend to buy it from Amazon/Flipkart? Discounts? Please share links.
Else legal recourse is always there.
Oh someone observing me for a long time. I didn't mention the iphone is mine bro. But I do have some credit cards tho. I should have answered this on that LPG Subsidy post itself but since you reminded me now yes bro even if we give up that subsidy we will survive and don't wanna blame others who are doing the same but there's no proper way of explaining our financial indicator other than asking our own hearts. But you know human nature like why should we give up free money? Other people more privileged than us will enjoy it even if we give up .. And I'm not an exclusion here but yes I admit that it's not justifiable. I'll give it up after getting a job post my studies. Thanks for giving me a reason to answer this
flipkart sells mostly fake according to review,better get offline