Inverter Suggestions


Kindly suggest latest generation Inverter please .

with all modern features + UPS feature .

Power requirement 900watt + (maybe)

1- PC (wattage = ??)

1- Dot matrix printer - (working wattage = ? maybe 30-40)

5 - 20W LED tubeligts (100 watts)

1 - traditional fan (80 Watt)

1 - cooler

(wattage = 150 watts maybe)

1 - Laser printer

(Wattage  = max 900 watts internet says ???)

Add couples of watts here and there .

Can restrict laser printer usage , can restrict / minimize cooler usage .

But thing is if laser printer is on active load , it destroys / trips whole circuit .. thus restarting PC . 

I am thinking of replacing PC's UPS but in event of getting UPS for 2500 .. why not good intverter for 5-6 K ??

Please suggest . 

5 Dimers
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Generous Generous
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how to calculate power wattage of PC ? 400 watt smps , 80watt for LED monitor ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I doubt such low capacity inverters ll support pcs..

Try microtek Heavy Duty 1550 or higher version 1750.. Printers u can't use in gen with inverters for 800 etc..

U need to have pure sine wave not to trip pc on power cut

If buy 12v u need just one battery.. 24v means u need to compulsory use 2 batteries

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Best suggestion, mat khareedna...

Generous Generous
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^ This is running setup for my shop , need to buy permanent solution . 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Look for a brand that has a servicing center or sales franchise closest to your shop.

Since this is commercial use, the units / battery may need servicing and repair more often, so the one closest to your shop might become useful.

Benevolent Benevolent
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check microtek commerical inverters. what shop do u have if u dont mind sharing?

Generous Generous
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Medicine wholesale .
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Generous Generous
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Got these from friends / family dealer -


@ 17000 after deduction , got 4500 for old battery so net bill amount - 21,500

I have blind trust on eastman battery .. my last battery ran for 8+ years / proper maintenance . 

+ no date on warranty card so i can avail ex-extended warranty . 

whole load is working on this setup , bit hiccup when laser printer operates ... but circuit doesn't trips . 

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