If BJP is worst , then which Party or Alliance is substitute for them and who should lead that Party or Alliance ?( Please reply with only practical Possibilities )

Deal Cadet

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considering with today’s events, NONE 🥺☹️ when it comes to eating everyone just becomes blood related brothers

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No one is clean in politics. all about the least worst option. some may say congress was least worst, majority thinks bjp is least worst. A new party born 8 years back but that too started same politics.

While NOTA is just a feedback system without any electoral value. Even if majority votes for NOTA then candidate with higher votes than others will be elected. sometimes in close fight where margin of win is less than 1000 votes, NOTA affects elections without any benefit.

Clean politics is not only India’s problem, many top developed countries have political corruption whether it is China, USA, Saudi, Russia. They are even worse in case of surveillance on their own people and breaching privacy.

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considering with today’s events, NONE 🥺☹️ when it comes to eating everyone just becomes blood related brothers

Blogger Blogger
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No one is clean in politics. all about the least worst option. some may say congress was least worst, majority thinks bjp is least worst. A new party born 8 years back but that too started same politics.

While NOTA is just a feedback system without any electoral value. Even if majority votes for NOTA then candidate with higher votes than others will be elected. sometimes in close fight where margin of win is less than 1000 votes, NOTA affects elections without any benefit.

Clean politics is not only India’s problem, many top developed countries have political corruption whether it is China, USA, Saudi, Russia. They are even worse in case of surveillance on their own people and breaching privacy.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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having a Lamborghini without its roadworthiness permit, Driving License or fuel in it
is as good as not having it.
Such absurdities can so routinely be expected and found in http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhārat_Gaṇarājya
they’ve even lost the shock value😔.

total miscarriage of sanity, justice.

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Critic Critic
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Congress pensive they brought in secularism and know how to manage economy. They don’t shove unilateral decisions down the public

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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come on man sad
as much as i’d rather eat excrement and daily cohabit with women of the night THAN HAVING TO PUT UP WITH bigoted bastards, communal pigs (not referring to any one in particular or any group in particular. they are there on either side, all sides).

I still fail to see any rationale in forgetting the excesses committed by those hidden in the brittle pages of history http://google.com/search?q=rajiv+gandhi+constitutional+amendment+muslims
[the secularish judgement of The Supreme Court being washed out by enacting new laws (in a rush) is what gave winds to similar demands during the Jallikattu hullabaloo. Rajiv was not the only one though, others (including BJP) did and still do such things/ make a farce out of judiciary.]
[or maybe it’d show up here http://google.com/search?q=rajiv+gandhi+constitutional+amendment+muslims+shah+bano+law]

except for this👇🏽 authoritarian fidgety young🕵🏼‍♀️ girl

who anyway did what would’ve kept her in command
the rest were sissies.
Incidentally in the initial 15-20 months of being shoved on the national canvas, she too was labeled “Goongi Gudiya”. (uncertain of who the real friends and who the back stabbers are, and being a novice… she did keep her ears, eyes more open than her mouth)
But her father
he practically forced Abul Kalam to stand (in elections) from a “Muslim” constituency (winning was more important), even though Azad wanted to contest from…
and her son (RajivRatan)….
He single handedly created the foundation of that.. which emboldened the now infamous Rath/Toyota Yatra of LK.

Had it not been for Rajivratan’s spineless appeasement of some (not all) Muslims and playing with laws/constitution
the previous stupidities in 1940s 1950s (non removal of idols on the next day)
Had all these been tackled better, we’d not be in the deep s|—|it we are in today.

not to mention how “bapu” alienated not just Ambedkar, those whom we colloquially refer to as “Dalits” but (he) alienated almost all rationale selfrespecting people with his columns, writings in his vernacular periodicals.
Hope you know how after disowning (bedakhaling) his son (after Harilal converted) … “mahatma” did not even allow “ba” to see him at some railway station where their trains were crossing.
Like… MKG literally ordered all windows of the coach shut.. when he became aware that Harilal in some other train was passing by from the same station.
His mother Kasturba was given a stern warning (BY HER mahatma HUSBAND) that any attempted contact with the (jhoot mooth ka) converted Harilal… would make him disown her too😁🤣

Harilal had obviously called out his farce (Mahatma’s farce) by converting to/claiming to convert to Islam.

Thus, i fail to see how any bastards (politicians) actually further the cause of secularism.
Mao (China) or people like JP (Jai Prakash Narayan) or the respective movements are exceptions.

Let me reiterate though,
even eating potty (excrement) or cohabiting (having peno vaginal intercourse or oral or anal) with STIs infected tawaif is less repulsive than having to put up with bigots, wolves in nationalist sheep’s skin, pseudo patriots that we have today.
But i was just driving home the point that none that mattered in Congress .. were secular.. except for that flicker of Mrs. G.
Even she didn’t remain with INC and the Congress (I) (I for Indira)
she formed
was only merged back.much later.

The political wing/s of VHP RSS.. like BJP and I.N.C.ongress, both are opportunistic hyaenas/hyenas (just like all other politicians).

actually it is an insult to hyenas to pare them with basrards/politicians.
Because hyenas are very social and stick around for each other.
Nor do hyenas sell their soul to the devil or pimp even their own mother for power, fame, strength.

Speaking of tawaif/ forced prostitute.. our Constitution is one🙂 unfortunate keep/rakhail of its custodians

Murica.. since 1789 might have just over two dozen amendments to its Constitution (more with ratification pending status)

while in “Mera Bharat Mahan” people simply wake up in the morning and even before relieving themselves (even before toilet/susu) or cleaning morning breath … start bringing amendments to the Constitution.
Number of amendments divided by number of years our constitution has existed = 😔؟

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Democracy is a system created to fool the public into believing that they have a choice and their opinion matters.
However actual system is run by hidden entities, for which our politicians are disposable faces, they fund both sides.
Do you think, Kings and Queens who have been ruling man kind since millenniums, would let of of their rule to create a democracy where people have power?
It is just a system they created to keep fooling the masses into paying taxes and keep the royal circus running

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You’re one smartass

Critic Critic
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Don’t vote for just parties vote for candidates. People who would work for the improvement of our country or at least do least amount of damage

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Individual Candidates Is What Makes Different Parties. So That Be Our Focus. And I Believe Every Party Has Few Good Ones.

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