Bit of an exaggeration there but I get your message.
Well, if you really want to end up living in poverty for many months then pay the minimum due or do a partial payment on your credit card! Those are the customers the bank loves more than anyone because they earn the bank the most profits. Interest rates on outstanding credit card balances are the highest amongst any loans offered by a bank. The problem for the banks is that just one level below these customers are the defaulters whom the bank hates more than anyone. People who pay in full are those that the banks neither love nor hate.
I've been using credit cards for absolutely everything nearly 6 years now, and there's one basic rule. If I don't have the money in my bank account or if there's any doubt that it won't arrive before the next cc due date, I won't buy anything. For me, it is just a way to get cashbacks and defer the payment a little so that the cash can be used somewhere else if needed.