Gross misplaced priorities

Deal Hunter

Why is the govt wasting tax money on other useless stuff during a pandemic crisis?! Even after WHO advised on what actual steps to be taken cuz lockdown is not a permanent solution and suggested steps similar to S.Korea.
Even superpowers war machines like US & UK gov are asking for help on medical facilities from everyone!

P.S celebrities and billionaires from Jack ma, Roger federer and Bill gates are donating to coronavirus relief but not a single peep from our Indian counterparts.      

Also big b is in bjp IT cell copy paste group expressionless

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Yes their should be donations from all the political groups as all of them are just intrested in just arguments no one i willing to help anyone if every one donates it will create a very big difference all the big temple trusts should also come forward as its all common people s money .

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Their are many people in film industry who can donate 1cr to 10cr each and even more but except akshay kumar who tries his best to help other are just not even having words for them

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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There are currently 138 billionaires, excluding 23 who fled with bank money.
And even those who shamelessly give useless gyaan in social media like kohli and amitabh are mum on this.
2 faced jerks

Critic Critic
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isn’t he the same guy who got is daughter in law married to a tree? pensive superstitious jerk

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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He’s really a trash, compared to him the other actors of yesteryear films like the late Pran sahab had such a big heart who helped ppl in trouble without letting them know it was him.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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lmao vd as bad reviews on seller/website 😆

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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There is something called budget, which has allocation to each and every sector.
The thing actually is Countries like China spend billions on their PR, and no one ever dares to write against them or they throw out journalist if they try to do so (Cancelled visas of two journos)
And the bad luck about our country is our people try to demean it just because they have hatred to a leader/party.
Look at that damn headline! Did they start all the process after corona? The process had started in the early 2018, while The final approval unfortunately happened to be the outset of a bad period.
Obviously government should do more spend towards healthcare, but find a correct way to criticize.

Critic Critic
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never knew criticizing trump is demeaning US smile lesson learnt, we should laud bad policies no matter what

The thing actually is Countries like China spend billions on their PR, and no one ever dares to write against them

Did you make that up?what are you taking about, i could find dozens of article by la times, NY times, washing post against Chinese govt, with a simple Google search

Btw You should definitely read this thread, it’s real fun

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Deal Major Deal Major
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Coronavirus relief: Prabhas donates Rs 1 crore, Kapil Sharma contributes Rs 50 lakh

Mahesh Babu Donates 1 Crore towards COVID 19 Pandemic

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Dhoni donated 1 lakh and net worth is 800 crores.
I will donate 10 rupees, used the same ratio as Dhoni.
Also Ambanis and Adanis have to shell out something at crisis like these since they’re the major benefactors of the gov

Investor Guru Investor Guru
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Rini we need both guns and masks. Some days back Maoists killed some Jawans in Chattisgarh I guess. Terrorists look for these opportunities. And every ally of us is busy dealing with their own business, so we need some sort of protection.

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