Good Site For Recharge
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I have been using Freecharge from the very start and so i have seen it going through a lot of changes,
some good some bad. When it was new, Freecharge had a lot of issues, as many a time the mobile
recharge was not successful, even though the money was deducted from the bank account. And they
didn’t have a customer service number, only an email id where you can raise the concern and demand a
refund. This used to take 5-6 days. They still don’t have a customer service number, which is a big
drawback. Although, the frequency of this issue has greatly reduced now and I hardly have any failed
recharges on Freecharge. So that is an improvement. Also, in the beginning, Freecharge gave away a lot
of exciting coupons for almost free, but with time this has changed and it has now started charging for
most of its coupons. However, because the interface and payment flow on Freecharge is very smooth
and quick, I still prefer it to recharge my mobile phone online.