Fraud of
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This is Ankit here ordered an Iphone 5s 16 GB from, of Rs. 19999.00, on 25 April 2016 by online payment . The order was confirmed and the Order ID is 100065473. They promised me to deliver the product within 8-13 working days. When I checked the status on their website ( it states that the order is confirmed and it was last updated on 26th April 2016. So to know the current status I tried to call them many times but no one picked the call and I didn’t get any revert call as promised me by IVR.
I also tried to reach their Facebook and Twitter page and even messaged them about the status of my product on 27 April 2016 but no reply came.
Even no response from their customer care team nor sales team.
I kept calling them but no answer and even I had mailed them many times but no reply….
This is a big fraud running..
Mail at
My contact details are REMOVED