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Find Items Fulfilled By Amazon


Most Amazon customers prefer to buy only products that are fulfilled by Amazon. But how can we filter amazon search results to see only Items Fulfilled by Amazon?

A few years ago the filter was available in Amazon Search Filters, but currently it is not available. But it still works.


To get only items Fulfilled by Amazon in search results,

Simply visit this link:


Now read carefully.

Replace "Laptop+Table" with your keyword in the URL address. Not in the search bar.



For example, if you want to search for a bluetooth headset, you should replace the keyword "Laptop+Table" with "Bluetooth+Headset" in the URL address.

Use + instead of giving space between words.


That's all. i hope this method gives you better experience on searching various products on amazon. Happy Shopping!

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Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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As it seems you are Good with Websites. Can you provide Swiggy and ZEPTO Masterlink for products ?

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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kya baat hai.🥹
1000121122 ssganesh!🥲
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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That's indeed good one OP plus1

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Try rufus.

"Rufus amazon fulfilled laptop tables"

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Good info, upvoted.

Better not to use app.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I can't find old amazon fullfiled logo. They removed it all together?

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