Few Updates in Desidime | Delete, Save Posts

Dimer of The Year 2022

Deleting own comments, threads

It was restricted to a time limit, seems now can remove threads of deals as well as after 5 minutes. Getting options to delete after 24hrs in unlocked threads.

But for threads, it seems unauthorized access, if td>5min


You can request for merger as well as in case of repost. (But @bumblefoot, it seems for only Mods/Adms )




For Deletion of Topics, these reasons are available. 





A long awaited update for Bookmarking/Save the comment has been introduced in the Application as well (FR: https://www.desidime.com/discussions/dimers-exp...)


Also, the Alert Admin Button over own comment is also present. What's the use case?


This new update has ended loop of getting 20 bookmarks (ref:https://www.desidime.com/feedbacks/bookmarks-de... ) and getting all lists in single row in Application.


P.S: nothing is deleted, it's just archived/dumped and hidden.

2 Dimers
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Dimer of The Year 2022 Dimer of The Year 2022
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You're testing buddy @garyhost flushed joy

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Dimer of The Year 2022 Dimer of The Year 2022
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New Update:

If the Main Comment is deleted, it'll now will content has been removed on first reply if exists. Previously, this wasn't enabled.

Seen today when admin deleted few comments but noticed now.

Dimer of The Year 2022 Dimer of The Year 2022
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Check this @ram-bhaiya , posts can be deleted by self in 5 minutes

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