Few more minutes left for Jyoti's rapists

Tech Guru

Count down has already begun. Set to be hanged at 5:30 AM, the four convicts must be counting down their final minutes of life, trying to live em the fullest.
I think finally Jyoti’s spirit will get some closure today.
I am writing this at 4:10 AM. Don’t worry I wake up at 4:00 AM everyday.
And today I have begun to feel great. I will get some closure too, today.

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Well anticipation got better off of me and I just painted my flourescent light lit red floor with my sweat. 22 mins more.


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1 min more.

The guy on right is Hajjaj Mohammad Adel Al-Saadi, the child rapist of Hawali, Kuwait. He was a body builder, his neck did not snap right away.

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The knot must have placed below left jaw, below the left year, so that drop might break C2- C3 vertebrae, and instantaneously kill the convicts. But that is not always the case. It might take up to 20 mins to declare em dead.
5:32 now they must be dangling, either dead or unconscious.
5:33 Some of em might have died by now, hypoxia must have begun in brain.

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5:36 may be one or two must be still twitching, jolting, swinging a bit.
5:38 People are celebrating outside.
5:39 I am sure all of em are either dead or half dead. Even if someone takes them off the gallows, they are not going to be the same person.
5:40 10 minutes have passed.
If some of em are still alive, like Ranga in Ranga Billa case, then some staff has to go there and pull their legs down as a coup de grâce.
All must have peed their pants, shat in their clothing, it must be a messy scene in the execution chamber.

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24 minutes have been passed. I sincerely hope all have died by now. Life is such a thing, you make it grow for 20-30 years, and it can be taken from you in 30 minutes, a fraction of those time you spent building yourself. So, take care of you guys a bit more. Love yourself a bit more. And don’t try to do anything similar to those hanged rapists.

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Filth of those rapists is finally being washed away by Sun, and cool breeze of morning. I don’t fully support the quote by Anatoly Rybakov, Death Solves all problem, No men no problem. Well it’s nice to feel a world gets less burdened a bit. Unnao rape victim didn’t get justice, Kathua child rapists didn’t get hanged. India is notorious for hanging poor people only. It needs to change. But today we ll celebrate Nirbhaya convicts’ hanging leaving the whining and complaining for another day.


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