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do you consume millets?

Heart of Gold
If yes then which one and how often?

There are two types of millets

Postive and neutral

Positive - kutki (little millet), samak/sama rice(barnyard millet), kodo, kangni (foxtail millet) and hari kangni( browntop millet)

Neutral - bajra (pearl millet), jowar(sorghum), ragi(finger millet), kuttu(buckwheat) , rajgira (amaranth), jo (barley) etc

If you consume then do share recipe how do you consume..
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Yes, few of them regularly

Maize is not millet

Helpful Helpful
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Oh yes...!!!

Fan of millets + A2 milk and ghee + cold pressed oils

Refer to this Playlist for millet recipes

In summer I won't consume foxtail and browntop regularly as they generate more heat compared to others. I mostly cook them like rice(sometimes Ambali in a pot). Consume one millet for 2 to 3 days(then the next millet for next 2 to 3 days). Don't do multigrain thing or change daily.

Attaching some info











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Investor Guru Investor Guru
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Foxtail millets are amazing 

Generous Generous
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Yes the neutral ones in form of roti 

Positive - sama rice during fast time 

Recipe 😜

Benevolent Benevolent
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  1. Please post pictures , so we can recognize them.
  2. Post recipes too.
Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Added English name to recognise better

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Yes i consume.

Neutral ones daily .

Positive ones occasionally.

Dish name is porridge/dalia. Cooked just like broken wheat/rice porridge.

Hunk Hunk
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Khub sharktank dehk rhe

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Shark tank is dharavahik, hum bimaria or unka illaz dekh rhe hai

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Yes, few of them regularly

Maize is not millet

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Thanks for the correction, since it was gluten free, i mistakenly added that.

Deal Detective Deal Detective
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Heard this positive   - Neutral  division  first time .

We  do consum bajra  jowar  nachni  rajgira  in form of rotis .  Sama  in making sweet during  vrat  upwas

Helpful Helpful
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Oh yes...!!!

Fan of millets + A2 milk and ghee + cold pressed oils

Refer to this Playlist for millet recipes

In summer I won't consume foxtail and browntop regularly as they generate more heat compared to others. I mostly cook them like rice(sometimes Ambali in a pot). Consume one millet for 2 to 3 days(then the next millet for next 2 to 3 days). Don't do multigrain thing or change daily.

Attaching some info











Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Thanks for the recipe playlist, plus1.

M still not able to make my self to consume ambali as m still thinking how will it taste. sweat_smile

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Pro Tech Guru Pro Tech Guru
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Got this with 90% cashback 😅

We occasionally consume Samak and bajra but foxtail millet was new addition(all thanks to cb website).

Now this recent sample order will add new variety to our plates 😅

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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For how much u got and u must tag fellow dimers on such deals 🥲

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Comrade Comrade
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i consume finger,sorgum,pear millets dosa (soaking all  3  with urad dal all equal quantities  at night and grind them in morning)..and jowar rotis .

Benevolent Benevolent
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Little Millet,Barnyard Millet,Pearl Millet,Sorghum.You can make roti,rice,khichdi or porridge.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Yes I do consume millets. Foxtail, kodo, browntop, little, banyard. One each day. Stopped having brown rice. Occasionally will take handpounded rice (Semi brown Rice). Everything can be made with millets except biryani. 

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Do share some recipes.
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Do try Nutri Drink+ by soulfull.. its a millet smoothie drink and tastes good. I take it after gym instead of protein shakes , etc.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Link and price?

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I order from bigbasket or get it from star bazar to make our own multigrain atta mix 

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Multigrain is not recommended that's what I understand till now.

Every grain has a different digestion time hence multigrain will make our stomach confuse results in indigestion, gas, bloating etc etc

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Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Jowar and Bajra 

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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I eat quinoa(dont know if this counts), sorghum, little and foxtail a bit

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Quinoa is not a millet but healthy(not for me as contains high amount of protein) fire.
What do we call quinoa in hindia/india , as per google it is bathua (ye toh sabji hai, bathua ke patte ka saag vagereh banta hai) 🤔
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Millet Cookies-Manufacturer of the same.

Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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In Rajasthan Rabri of jowar(Sorghum) (in summers it has cooling effect its said), in cold can have bajra(pearl) (as its hot in nature its said). Also bajra, jowar roti is also common in Rajasthan. But mostly including myself have gone to wheat rotis(I think not yet with traditional/village people) which I'm finding now are not good for long term especially with diabetes.

I'm currently relying on multi grain(with most part jo(Barley), chana, jowar, ragi) + handful of wheat to stabilize roti making. But as pointed in thread digestion wise not sure but think better than pure wheat.

Cool Cool
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There are all best for ur gut health and are an excellent source of protein !

Helpful Helpful
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Jwari / Bajari - Bhakari

Nachani - Ambil drink during summer

Vari cha bhat with Shengdana Amati - superb taste

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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May he yes

Blaze Blaze
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Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Pehle batao positive and neutral means what then I will eat promise 😂

Many millets are part of Maharashtrian diet so yes I do consume occasionally. Thalipeeth anyone? 😋

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@kartikxxx  what's the difference between postive and neutral millets sweat_smile

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Helpful for someone like me

Positive Millet Grains

Positive millet grains have dietary fiber ranging from 8% to 12.5%. Positive millets have numerous health benefits as they have the highest dietary fiber. Examples are Foxtail millet (Kangni), Barnyard millet (Sanwa), Browntop millet (Korale/ chhoti Kangni), Kodo millet (Kodra), and Little millet (Kutki)

Neutral Millet Grains

Neutral millet grains have dietary fiber between 3% and 6%. They have fewer health benefits than positive ones but do not harm the body anyway. Examples are Pearl Millet (Bajra), Finger Millet (Ragi), Proso Millet, and Sorghum Millet.

Negative Millet Grains

Negative millet grains have a dietary fiber of less than 2%. They are less beneficial for the body and difficult to digest by the body. Examples are rice and wheat. Avoid them.

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