Do i needed to pay electricity bill in T.S. if my consumption units is below 200?


"the Gruha Jyothi scheme in Telangana has been updated, and as of 2024, the scheme still provides a zero electricity bill for households consuming less than 200 units per month. The average consumption is calculated based on the usage from April 2023 to March 2024. If your consumption is within this limit, you should not need to pay the electricity bill. For any changes or updates to your bill, you can approach the local municipal authorities"-if this is true , why iam getting bill?

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permanent residents of Telangana state who belong to the financially unstable section of the society are eligible to avail the benefits of the scheme 2024. All the applicants who clear the eligibility criteria must fill out the application form on the official website for the Telangana Gruha Jyothi 2024.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Possibly you have to contact local municipal authorities as mentioned. So ask them.

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All people are not eligible.integillent boy..

Only white ration card holders..Old Tamilnadu govt gave for all people but now cunning politicians say on election campaign different and after win they implement in different way..

Benevolent Benevolent
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That is how it's in KA, your last year avg is say 100 every month 100+10=110 units free

remaining units will be charged, until 200 units - scheme applicable for all residents

you consume 200+ no subsidy at all, you get regular bill

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