Is there any way to cancel Credit card overdue charges ?
Received Message from Cred

You have started incurring interest charges at ~35% p.a.

Total due Amount 55000/-

Please help.
Need Suggestion.
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You didn't pay full dues? 

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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Yes if you can pay in full your due amt no overdue charges will be applied.

Borrow from friends. Ask for advance from your employer, sell gold whatever you have to just pay that bill else the cc debt will just mount and those are the worst debts

Flame Flame
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Due date gone it was 12th feb, i paid amount on 14th feb.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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You paid within 3 days after the due date. No penalties will be imposed on your card, as per RBI rule 3 days grace period is there.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Nothing much you can do, request the bank to revert the charges(drop an email). Some banks have 2-3 days grace period, They may revert. Clear all the outstanding dues and may not charge interest.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Messages from CRED are generic warnings. They will send warnings like these even if you paid bill outside CRED before due date. 

For many banks there is a grace period of 3 days. So better talk to your bank if there are any charges.

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