Count Down Begins For Jyoti rape and murder case culprits' hanging; and an overview on death penalty via hanging (my prospective)

Investor Guru

The four convicts, who mercilessly raped and murdered Jyoti on an uneventful night of 16th December, are counting days as they are set to be executed on 1st February, 2020 at 7 AM. My only regret is the juvenile got away. Well, may be life is unfair in that way or may be situation makes our hands tied for something unintended/ to avert cruelty towards a lesser crime committed by that age group. I guess I am not matured/qualified enough to discuss on those topics.
Here is the article, . They have already started conducting mock executions, using ropes brought from Meerut and burlap sacs filled with sand(of same weight as the convicts.).

Types of Hanging
There are basically a lot of variants of hanging used in execution. Short Drop (Partial Drop, Pole Hanging), Long Drop and Standard Drop are major variants. In short drop hangings, victim dies of three ways. 1stly he gets suffocated and 2ndly brain hypoxia sets in. Hypoxia is a medical condition in which a part of the body gets deprived of the oxygen and thirdly Carotid sinus reflex death. Usually depending upon the size and health of the victim, short drops execution can last from mere minutes to until 20-30 minutes. So, in 1872 Wiliam Marwood devised the long drop version. Here the convict is made to stand on a trap door. And the convict is allowed to fall for a certain distance and then the inertia of motion did the job done earlier than the gravity. Here their primary aim is to break the spine of the victim. But there are instances where decapitation happen. So, people in the justice system rolled a new method, namely The Standard Drop. Albert Pierrepoint made it popular during the executions of Nazis in the aftermath of the Trial. is used to measure the length of rope and drop required, customized as per the need of individual victim. C3 vertebrae is intended to be broken. this is the intended result.
They say standard drop gives the person instantaneous death. India uses this kind of execution. They tie hands and legs of the victim tightly. They put a mask on the face of the victim. And nobody really talks during the entire procedure. The hang man uses a special kind of rope and knot. The knot is engineered in such a way, so that it allows the knot to slide across the rope freely. The knot is strategically placed below the left jaw, below the ear. The mechanism is really simple. Imagine you are holding a skeleton by the head. The skeleton should hang vertically. But imagine that you hang the skeleton by the front jaw. The back of the neck will act as a lever of some sort. And head and body will make a particular angle while hanging. Imagine doing this to a living person rapidly. The knot on left side of the neck, will move to the front using downward force made by the downward going body, while head coming to a stand still at the end of the drop. Which results in a violent jerking of the neck(snapping in a round manner to be exact.). A lot of studies follow, this results in sudden breakage of the C3 vertebrae of Spinal chord. And death follows immediately.
But a lot of mishaps happened in the past, Saddam’s brother got decapitated(because he was very fat) and Ranga(Geeta and Sanjay Chopra Kidnapping, rape and murder case convict, Billa was also executed) kept on hanging for 2 hours. Then a doctor came and checked Ranga. After discovery of vital signs, a jail staff was required to pull Ranga by its feet to put an end to his misery. Source: Black Warrant: Confessions of a Tihar Jailer ( I really don’t believe it. Maybe it was a botched execution. And trust me Ranga deserved it. Neck breaking did not work, hypoxia didn’t work, suffocation always work period. You gotta read the way Ranga and Billa killed Sanjay and Geeta, the Chopra siblings.
Whatever, there are couple of interviews with hangmen of India are available on youtube. Pawan Jalladji(I have attached the adjective ji intentionally to pay my respect to this noble person, who gives death to the haramiest criminals)



There is another hangman in India, Mr Nata Mallick

This is how hanging happens. It is a dummy execution

Standard drops can go wrong. Mohammad Adel Al-Saadi — known as the “Hawally Monster”, got death penalty. Kuwait correctional officers hanged them. The video is available in Youtube. And the another person unrelated to the Hawally incident,, was executed real smooth, but the ex body builder Mohammad was hanged. But he slowly died, he struggled too much. Maybe his execution was botched on purpose. He raped and killed children and teens. He deserved.
Now countdown has already started. I am eagerly wait for 1st February to come, so that Jyoti might finally find peace. I seriously wish botched executions for the convicts. “A quick drop and sudden stop”, proverb doesn’t work for such savages.

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